Fives ratings for HootPig
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Response: You're welcome! Have a wonderful holiday =)
Response: You're welcome, hope you have a wonderful Christmas =)
Response: No problem, glad you like them =)
Response: You're so welcome. I thought it'd be nicer to write a bit about them, I thought it should be more than just pictures in an envelope! =)
Response: You're very welcome, merry christmas =)
Response: You're welcome, really enjoyed doing it but it was super hard thinking of what to include =)
Response: Thank you, I hope to write something more interesting in the future! =)
Response: Haha I bought one once 'cause I liked the picture then people just kept giving me them thinking I collected I have about 65!
Response: Thank you, you too (sneaky peek at your profile). so nice to find other people who like the same stuff =)
Response: Thank you, I hope so too!! My little one has lasted a while but I'd like something fancier =)