Swap-bot Time: December 25, 2024 9:03 pm

Hearts ratings for Swaami

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FireCat91 rated for Private Swap Swaami & FireCat91 on Jul 19, 2016
Comment: Hey Karen, your parcel has arrived today! It was just PERFECT, so nice of you two to send something extra special for my cats. I just wanted to buy nail liquor the next days now I don't have to :-) The color is amazing! I'm just enjoying the Halva while writing this! <3 I'm glad you liked mine too! Thank you so much!
Response: Awww yayy i was wondering if you recieved ! Now i see the rating:) soo glad you liked it . Love from Malta!!
Comment: Hi Karen, we loved everything you have sent, thank you <3
Response: welcome <3
Jadelynn rated for Pinterest: Welcome to my country #2 on Jan 27, 2016
Comment: Thank you for your awesome board! I really liked your pins and love the extra explanation with the pins :-)
Response: Thanks so much. :)
Comment: Thank you for the lovely pins! I want to visit Malta....
Response: You are most welcome anytime!! :)
Comment: a very interesting country, I hope one day visit it as a tourist. Thanks for sharing.
Response: Thanks so much :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 5 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
3 7 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 0 2 0

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