Comment: It came today!!!! I love the yarn! It is perfect in every way...jeweltone purples, soft, just right twist!!! Couldn't be better and I have never knitted Jitterbug but I can see it becoming one of my favs! I cannot imagine where you found lavender chocolate!!! Not bad..I have never had it before. It tastes like chocolate but leaves a lavender breath behind...lovely! And I love dark chocolate. Thank you so much for the lovely package!
Response: You are most welcome - Jitterbug is a lovely yarn to use: one of my favourites too. take care Helen
Comment: Thanks Helen! I really appreciate all you sent me! I love the option hot chocolates and the cheese crackers are simply delicious!!!
Greetings from Spain!
Comment: Thank you *SO* much! I love it all . . . and Fortean Times Magazine is the type of magazine I've been looking for for years! I wish I could find it here. I bought a bunch off of eBay, though. I can't peel my eyes away to look at the other magazine (which I know will be great as well . . . I'm such a foodie!). I can't wait to try the teas either. They sound very tasty! :o) I hope the "recharge" and "tranquility" teas can help me out, especially. So much stress. :oP
Response: You are most welcome. The food magazine is my favourite, I get it every month
Comment: Darling, I just received you GORGEOUS package! I just can't tell you how happy I am, you made my day!! I love everything there's on it, how generous you are! The bookmark is something incredible!! Thanx, thanx, thanx!!!