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Response: Thank you for the rating!!
Response: Likewise! Send me your snail mail info and I'll get you out a letter too!
Response: Thanks for the great rating! Being my first one, I wasn't sure if my answers would be complete enough!
Response: Thank you so much! The animals are something I have been very passionate about for a long time. I used to work with Dogs Deserve Better, when I was living in N & S Carolina. There is SOO much that could be changed there. The laws just completely suck for animals. There's no protection for them under the current laws... and that's what really struck a nerve in me.
Thanks so much for your ratings!!
Response: Thank you for taking the time to read about me, and for the great rating!!
Response: Thank you for the great rating!! Coffee ice cream can sometimes be very hard to find, as its not very popular!! But OOH BOY does it taste good! :-)