Swap-bot Time: December 27, 2024 2:55 am

Hearts ratings for xengab

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moxsapphir rated for Fortune Cookie Fiction Swap #2 on Dec 6, 2010
Comment: Leja, that was really quite exciting! Some grammatical errors that were slight and did not detract from the pace of the story. Very well done! You could really expand on this one!
Response: Thanks, I tried proof reading it but they still get through. All my writing buddies were doing NaNO so not help for me..
Comment: Fabulous story and I did not pick the ending, a great surprise, thank you :-)
craftycol rated for Fortune Cookie Fiction Swap #2 on Nov 30, 2010
Comment: Great story but end was a little short and strange but still enjoyed.
Response: Thanks. I guess I ended in that manner so as to not raise even more questions in the readers minds.
craftycol rated for Inspired Short Story Swap on Sep 28, 2010
Comment: wOW the most people i think went differently to you but I love your approch to this photo. I know I could not put it down till it was finished. Again wow you deserve a heart big time ty.
MJJ4always rated for Send me a Fan Letter on Aug 23, 2010
Comment: Thanks Pam!! Your letter has inspired me to check out a new author :) xox

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 5 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
3 5 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
1 2 0 0

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