All you have to do is answer the questions and send to your partners. This survey is open to moms and dads. This is not just a a "mothering" survey (see comment below from a male swap-botter))
Did you or your husband/wife/SO name your children?
How old were you when you/your wife had your first child?
How old were you when you/your wife had your last child?
What is the hardest part about parenting?
Do you have any pets? What are they? Who takes care of them?
Do any of your children have disabilities? What do you do to help them? Do they take medication?
What is the last movie your family sat down together and watched? Home or theatre?
Are your children in sports?
What is their favorite subject?
If they are old enough to answer, Ask them what they want to be when they grow up.
How old are your children?
In your opinion, how old should a child be to go on a date?
In your opinion, how old should a child be before they get a cell phone?
Do your children like to read?
Do you let your children drink energy drinks?
Are your children picky eaters?
Do or did your children suck on a binky or their thumb?
Are you having anymore children?
Are you a working mom/dad or SAHM (stay at home mom)?
Are your children named after anyone?
How late do you let your children stay up (in the summer) and (in the winter)?
Are they allowed to eat whatever they want?
Who cleans their room?
Do they have choirs and do they get an allowance? How much?
Do you reward for good grades?
Did you/your wife have an epideral for the pain or were you 100% drug free?
Have you adopted? From USA or another country?
Please rate honestly. Don't rate on if you disagree on answers but if you recieved your answers on time and all were answered.