I made this a Type 3 swap because of the crafting element involved with decorating the envie.
1 Partner = 1 DECORATED envie - Sender's Choice (See requirements for envie below)
1 FULL sticker sheet inside envie - Lightly Profile Specific (See requirements for sticker sheet below)
Read you partner's profile.
Send ON TIME (the send by date is the LAST date you can mark sent without is being considered late
4.97 minimum rating
Include Group/Swap/User Name
Include a short message to your partner (at least 2 or 3 lines about anything you'd like)
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Requirement for Decorated Envie:
Both sides MUST be decorated. (any style you like (including stickers)...however don't just slap 1 or 2 stickers on it and called that decorated...it's not).
Make sure the address (to and from) is clearly visible
Sender's choice on how to decorate the envie...so you can begin anytime.
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Requirement for Sticker Sheet:
Must be a complete sticker sheet. (No cut stickers and no sticker flakes)
Must be at minimum 5 complete stickers on the sheet.
NO handmade stickers
NO Freebie Stickers
Lightly profile specific. Read your partner's profile. (Sticker sheet should NOT be something on your partners dislike list).
If your partner has no dislike list, (and you should know if you have read your partner's profile), then you can send whatever style stickers you'd like.
Nice/quality stickers...NO Dollar store cheap looking stickers.
Be sure to enclose your stickers in such a way that they arrive to you partner in nice/clean/crisp shape.
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Few examples of Correct and Incorrect Sticker sheets:


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Questions/Comments/Concerns - Just Ask
*Side note: Before I assign partners, I will be reading your profiles. If you do not have a dislike on your profile, I will make a note of that fact. If you receive stickers that you hate, you can NOT mark down since it is your fault for not having a dislike list.