This is from "Wide Open" by Randi Feurerhelm-Watts:
- Fill a large spray bottle about 1/4 full with bleach.
- Fill the rest of the bottle with water.
- Fill a shallow pan with same ratio of bleach & water solution.
- Fill a second shallow pan with water.
- Chose a photograph that you don't mind losing.
- Using a fine permanent marker, express yourself all over the photo just as you would on a journaling page.
- Cover any parts of the photo that you want to keep in their original form with cut pieces of plain paper. Just lay them over the desired areas.
- Very lightly spritz a small amount of the bleach mixture onto the photo and then very quickly dip just a part of the photo into the bleach water pan.
- Just as quickly, immerse the whole photo in the water pan and leave it there until you are satisfied with the look.
- Remove the photo and pat it dry with a piece of lintless material (cotton, muslin).
- Add more text/images if you wish using rubber stamps, markers, etc.
- Add a backing to make it into a postcard.
- On the back write "Altered X" (whatever the photo subject is, e.g., Altered Bridge, Altered Woman). Or you may incorporate the title into the front image if you prefer.
Send it to your partner "naked".
Please see my profile for how I screen participants (I do a very careful screening, and unrated newbies with fully completed profiles are welcome.)
Please pm me if you have any questions.