Are you sure you want to signup for Pencil Bag?
Yes, sign me up! or No, I changed my mind.
Hand make or purchase a New Pencil Bag and add three new fun items. (Pens, Pencils, Markers, etc...)
Sender's choice.
Send on Time, Smile, Rate in a timely manner. Happy Swapping!
I reserve the right to ban questionable swappers.
Terms of Use: Swap-bot facilitates swaps among the members of this service. You expressly agree that use of Swap-bot is at your own risk. You must be 18 years of age or older to use the Swap-bot service. Content posted to Swap-bot is solely the opinion and responsibility of the user posting the message. Swap-bot expects that all users will post respectful and courteous content. Swap-bot takes no responsibility and assumes no liability either for the content posted on the site, or for your communications and relationships with other Swap-bot members. Read complete Terms of Use.