Response: Thanks for changing my rating :) Cat.
Response: hi- it was sent awhile back. have you received it? Cat
Response: hi-I sent this awhile back. Have you received it yet? cat
Response: Hey- Thanks for changing my rating. Take care, cat
Response: you're welcome :)
Response: Hi- thanks for changing my rating :)
Response: Hi- it's just been really hectic here for months, and I've been intimidated by this swap as well since I really haven't done many kinds of this swap at all. But! Thanks so much for your patience and I will haev something for you asap. Ciao, Cat
Response: Thanks for changing my rating :) glad you like.. take care, cat
Response: Hey - I'm so glad to hear you like the lunchbox. Take care! cat
Response: Well, you don't have to like it but thanks at least for rating me fairly. The magnets were handmade the postcard was blank so you could write in it. Cat.
aka @feminista
Uplifting Prayer
Now I'm afraid!! Have u got my Lez girls swap? I think it should be there already.. Rrr I'm going to beat our post office workers if it has gone lost..
Hello, I mailed out your Fairytale postcard today.
this may seem a bit strange. but oh my god, your profile is so entertaining. "since apparently it's a magnet for illiterate losers." "someone in one of my swaps even once PMed me asking if I'd like to swap our cats' hair."
i found those comments in particular amusing. your quite funny. :)
Hey would you be interested in being snail mail pen pals? You can leave me a message here or email me at rottifan4@yahoo.com
Keep on fleecing the noobs!
Hello! Please come and listen to Brokenfaedoll sing! http://www.youtube.com/user/MelandtheTrolls
Sorry for the invite!!! I totally read your sentence wrong and didn't catch myself until I sent the group invite! :P Just ignore!! Thanks! :)
I wanted to let you know of a swap I just made up. Its 40+ stars for those that HOST SWAPS... I hope you will consider joining and passing this info onto other people you think may want to join.
Thanks in advance and thanks for being a host on Swap Bot! With out people like us hosting there would be no Swap Bot.![grumpy](http://cdn.swap-bot.com/images/swaps/33257/swap.jpg)
If you were to make one i'd DEFFINATLY join!! rhps is my life you should see my collection..... lol