Speak Spanish to me and I'll love you inexplicably.
I go to college and study art and communication. When I get the chance, and the credits, I take other classes. I like learning. I like the discussion in class.
I like girls, so if you want to draw me something romantic -- well, it can be whatever since romance isn't stuck to a gender, and I'll feel a warm glow no matter what. But if it's going to be erotic -- well, no matter, I'll leave it up to you.
I'm a bit of a dreamer, and I'll draw clouds and birds and blooming hands on everything if I'm not careful.
I'm always up for a conversation, so don't be afraid to contact me, please. I'm quite easy to please, and I can take 'no,' very simply.
I honestly believe one can do no wrong with colors. Seriously. Of course some combinations really don't go well together, but hey, that's at the artist's discretion. Go wild, I say, with the color experience,
It it's layered, and slow, and has bass, and lyrics that say something, regardless of what, then I probably like it. Maybe. It's a mood thing. Sometimes I like a song and other times I don't.
Oh what to say: Neil Gaiman, for sure, and whatever the hell he writes, I'll read it. -- uh. And various other random authors. Lot of text books, Color theory books, Photography books, Art books, and so on. Not so much fiction.
I'm stating with baby steps with the hot stuff. I just graduated from Jalapenos, and staying there for it, maybe take a year off before I try something harder.
Love, love, love strawberries, but not the candy type. Favorite candy would maybe be...anything sour or gummy. I love gummy worms. Not so much bears, for some reason. I think it's the lack of body to pull and bite.
Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.
Tea too. I love making blends with some milk and honey. Although I've learned the hard way that milk doesn't go with everything.
I make an awesome curry. I've tried Japanese, Thai, Indian, and my own mix.
Don't ask me to bake, I'll just get my mother to do it, and that is a shame. Not for you, of course, she's a great bake. I make decent muffins from the box.
But pancakes: I just learned how to make Banana pancakes -- it's still hit and miss.
I'll try anything at least three times.
My parents were from Mexico, a long time ago. Or 20 odd years ago. I'm American all the way, whatever that means. But I still know some of the culture of that distant land. Hahah, distant in miles, because seriously, wow, walking there would suck. Or be a fantastic adventure.
I had my childhood in the suburb of South Gate, in Los Angeles, California. But spend my Teenage years, and now adulthood, in Oregon.
I plan to move slightly North and eventually settle in Seattle for a bit.
Playtime, it's what it is. I play with everything. Pastels, Paints, Pencils, White Out, Make Up -- anything that I can use with paper, cardboard, wood, or canvas, I'll try. Eventually I figure I'll get into the other craftier things like pottery, metalwork, and needle work. Ah. So much out there.
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