Date Joined: January 15, 2013
Last Online: March 1, 2014 Birthday: August 26, 1987 Country: Ukraine |
My name is Yuliya! I am a web-programmer by profession. I like to solve puzzles and read fiction. I have green eyes, I love tea and milk chocolate. Sometimes, when I don't make websites, I write poetry. I like theater and good books. I love my life and the people around me.
I like the book the following authors: Verber, Tolstoi, Block, Pertrovich, Grischovets.
I collect postcards. I will be glad of any card, but my favourites are - painted (especially painted cats) - vintage, sepia - art - black and white - genre postcards - national dishes and costumes. I do not really like multiviews carts.
Thank you for the resend of the cat postcard. Looks like I got two--one on Dec. 15, 2013, and one Feb. 1, 2014. Thank you for being such a good swapper!
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