I'm an avid craft-a-holic, or so I'm told. I'll try most crafts at least once, and hang on to the ones I really enjoy. I love journaling, mail art, zines, reading, cooking, and just about every kind of fiber and fabric art. I'm starting to experiment more with drawing, painting and mixed media and I'm really enjoying that too! I'm also learning to play the piano.
Favorite themes
- dragonflies
- Winnie the Pooh
- fantasy
- mythology & folklore (especially Scandinavian, British, or Welsh themed, but all are awesome)
- spirituality in general
- plants & flowers (abstract or realistic)
- druid or pagan spirituality
- witchy aesthetic
- Disney
- Super heroes (preference to women or PoC heroes)
- Abstract and macro photography
- Rainbows
- LGBTQI+ positive stuff
- Strong women and women standing up for themselves
- Gender bending of fiction tropes & characters
Music varies with my mood ... anything from folk, to soft rock to country. Hard Rock, Rap and techno are generally not on my 'listen to' list, but there are definate exceptions to that!
- The Beatles
- Peter Hollens
- Acoustic folk music
- Acapella folk music
- Musical soundtracks
- S.J. Tucker
- Damh the Bard
- Hamilton Musical
I like movies and TV Shows that are fun and entertaining. Movies especially are an escape are an escape.
- The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings
- Black Panther
- Wonder Woman
- Antman
- All the Marvel movies
TV Shows
- Dr Who (all generations. Tom Baker, Matt Smith, and Jodie Whittaker are my favorite doctors)
- Mythbusters (Build team all the way!)
- How it's made
- British Bake Off / Great Canadian Baking Show
- Nailed it
- Murdoch Mysteries
- Hilda
- Next in Style
- Queer Eye
Current crafty interests
- Crochet
- knitting
- spinning yarn
- digital illustration
- journaling
Stuff I like to get
- ATCs of any kind - digital, mixed media, drawn, painted, collaged, whatever
- Zines of all kinds
- Journals & journaling supplies (usually A5 size or slightly smaller)
- Hand made journals of any size and page count
- blank postcards and notecards
- bookmarks
- Washi & journaling stickers in the themes above
- cloth napkins & handkerchiefs
- coasters
- bags (especially project bags for yarn crafts)
- fabric for quilting (scraps are cool as long as they are at least 4" or 10cm square-ish)
- mug cosy or mug rugs
- sheet music
- knitting and/or crochet supplies (nothing scratchy, but all sizes of yarn are appreciated)
- stitch markers in general colors or above themes
- something from your homeland or culture that I can use
- bowls (small ones for serving toppings are great too!)
My preference is for things that are useful, but I also love physical mail.
Stuff I don't want
- Lavender (I'm allergic)
- Acrylic yarns (acrylic blends are okay as long as they are soft)
- Wall Art
Thanks for sending home a full postcard from RRTPC that I started with round 80 :) Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Thank you for returning my RR Traveling Postcard to me all filled up.
Hello, I have a question for you please. I am a Christian but am also open to spiritual, individual, lgbtq, earth views, coexist type of lifestyles. My son and his wife and my niece and her husband are pagan. I love to send and receive things from them and look for things to send them regularly from my travels. Would you consider me for your swaps? Blessings! Deanna
Ack, I just accidentlyrequested to block you?!? I'm so sorry! Just letting you know your ATC is going in the mail today. :)