Swap-bot Time: March 14, 2025 8:25 am


Date Joined: September 23, 2016
Last Online: February 16, 2023
Birthday: March 2
Country: United States

About Me

POST OFFICE UPDATE: Our post office is no longer open on Saturday after years of being opened. Their hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday and that includes the three other towns around me. I live in the county, therefore I get my mail late in the day and they pick up late in the day. Well since the post office is closed any and all mail we drop off after 3pm on Friday sits until early morning Monday and then it travels over 30 minutes to Dallas main hub to be postmarked. Now knowing this I will try to start making some time adjustments on my mailing for the postal date nazi's. However, I do have a full time job that requires me to work double shift sometimes unexpectedly, so my post office mailing trip can get cancelled. Starting to look into the at home postage to help me out on this. If there is delay I will let you know. Please just bear with me on this adjustment. And if my postal carrier is running late they won't even pick up my mail. Gotta love the US postal system. But at least they are open for business occasionally. Lol...

PET HAIR POLICY: Love it 💕! If included with your project thank you for loving your pet as much as I do mine. My three dogs Ellie, Bevo and Billie and the three cats Salem, Steve and Casper also love the pet hair and the new smell in the house. They inspect the Dad’s mail basket on the table and in Moms craft room. Therefore, you sometimes may have some hair in your project because my cats help me craft. And our house is our pets house 🏠, so having pet hair on you or projects will probable happen.

ABOUT ME: I love to craft especially paper crafts. I have been scrapbooking and crafting so for over 35 years and I am 44. I majored in art through college and settled as a stay at home mom position. In which I love, soon to be an empty nester. :( I design and teach classes at Scrappin Goodtime in Corsicana, TX. Such a great place with down to earth people. I am a Pagen and I respect others beliefs just as I expect others to respect my beliefs. I craft because it helps me be me and it is my therapy.

ME RATING YOU: I have finally found my pleasant place in getting onto Swap-Bot and rating. I am rating every Monday for the previous week, so unless it was resend or something we have already discussed I will rate it on Monday. If you do not get a rating from me, knowing you had sent the swap and I should of received it already, please contact me.

YOU RATING ME: Please rate my swap I sent you. In my opinion it is rude for you not to rate me for the swap that I send you. The majority of the swaps I participate in are handmade and I put thought and effort into them, so please have the curtsy to rate the swap. This applies not to just me but to others. We made an effort to personal make the swap item and to send it on time, so please be respectful; and rate the swap.

NO SMOKING POLICY: Please do not send items that smell like smoke, this is a non smoking house and I can smell the cigarette smoke on crafts that have been created in a house or room that is smoked in. It is just a gross smell that I prefer not have around me or my house.

Just something I have noticed from reading others profiles. It just gets under my skin. They only will rate you a heart if you send them goodies.!?!?!? Really!!!???? I rate off of your art work and the time and effort you put into, even if it was a resend. I do not rate nor will I ever rate someone and not give them a heart because I did not get goodies. If I give you a 5 and no heart it is because you put zero effort in your art work, you just slapped an image on it and some writing. No effort was put into it. Even if the art work is not to my liking, I will still give a heart if effort was put into it because it reflects you and your artistic personality, not mine. By the way if I do put goodies in your package it is because I felt as though I needed to you. So, if my inner spirit tells me to put goodies in your package then I will. But if you tell me on you profile you will only give me a heart if I send you goodies, well you can certainly guess you will not get goodies from me. These are swaps of artwork and things of others personality not a free hand out site. Hearts are nice but I feel they are earned through your effort and time you spent on your artwork not because someone did not send any f***ing goodies. RATE FOR ARTWORK AND ARTISTIC STYLE, that is what truly deserves a heart.

Small Talk

Well I thought I would create this little area, as a little to get to know me more info. So grab a chair with your favorite beverage. Oh, You can drink what ever you want I will not be offended. I am a very open minded person.

User Name: lilpurplepig - Well I have used this name for over 15 years. I love piglet and the color purple. Well I was trying to create a yahoo email and all my purple piglet options where already being used. Hence, I got creative and my user name was born.

OCD: I am a very organized person and always have been. I actually keep a Swap-Bot binder that keeps all the swaps I have signed up for, future swaps (mainly series swaps), working on swaps, mailed swaps, archived swaps, not rated swaps. Yes I keep up with the swaps I have not been rated for, because I took time and effort to create the swap for you and I want to have a list of non-raters that I have came across. However, that is how I keep up with all the swaps I participate in. And will check the website everyday for just a few minutes to make sure I am on top of all my swaps.

When I create things for people I use the business name "Paperophile Art". A lady that I worked with over 12 years ago helped me come up with the name. I was wanting to use Paper Art and she suggested the word love. We tried those words in different variations and it just did not click with me or sound decent. We were talking about a horrible new heading of someone we knew. Needless, to say we both got that look in our eyes and started laughing and said to each other are you thinking what I am thinking? And we were, well we did our research and paperophile is a real word. So, I always look at my business name as a way I looked for the good in a bad situation. Look up "Ophile" and there are tons of words you never knew existed.

Hope you enjoyed this little tidbit of information, now scroll down for the extras. Any questions about anything just send me a PM and I promise I will respond within 48 hours.

Favorite Crafts

Anything to do with paper. Handmade is always the best. I always love seeing others artwork and creativity and I am always loving it when I learn something new with my crafting.

PLEASE NOTE FOR ALL SWAPS & POCKET LETTER SWAPS: No need to send me extra goodies in my packages. I will accept tea as long as it within my allergy guidelines of no CITRUS. (If you do not know what citrus fruits are please send me a PM)This includes pocket letters, just send the letter if it is required. Now if the goody is part of your decoration then please put it in, because I will show it off that way. I will rate your pocket letter by you sending it to me and per the rules, except for the goody requirements. Not putting goodies in there will not count against you because I requested for you not to. However, no having the letter in the pocket page will effect your rating, if it is part of the rules. So all and all... the other rules will apply to the project and or swap.

I have been crafting for years, so I have a good stash and plus I teach classes and design for a local scrapbook store. So I have an unlimited supply of goodies at all times.

Favorite Movies

I will watch any movie except scary movies that people are purposely being stalked. They freak me out. Lol!!! I feel that some of the independent movies are the best out there. My tv in my work/craft room stays on the movie channels or movie streaming apps.

Favorite Holidays

My favorite holidays are anything to do with Halloween, Fall and Freedom. I like Christmas but really favorite part of Christmas is decorated trees. Yes, I have more than one tree and No, there are no mismatched ornaments on the tree. I am very, very OCD about my trees. For Halloween and Fall my house is extremely decorated. I hate taking it all down at the end of November.

Halloween - Any theme, love it all. Fall - Love it all too. Christmas - Snowflakes, trees, reindeer and shiny glittery things related to Christmas.

Favorite Foods

My all time favorite food is Hamburgers & French Fries. I cannot get enough of them and yes I know where all the good burger places are and most of them are mom and pop shops. My second favorite food is Tex-Mex food. Anyone from the south knows Tex-Mex has lots of spiciness to it and lots of cilantro in it. My Mexican food has got to have some kick to it or I just wont like it.


Actually for the TEA swaps please make sure you read the label of the box anything with orange peel, blossom, juice, or high amounts of citric acid will make me use my $200.00 epi-pen and an overnight stay at the ER. You will be surprised how much orange is in teas, a lot! Green Tea WITHOUT LEMON is safe and actually I have found some teas from Tuesday Morning that I can drink.Heck, you can even send me side of the box or a picture of it. Sorry, I do trust you I just like to double check because administering an epi-pen in my leg hurts like hell and all the medications the ER gives me knocks me out for two days straight. It is just down right expensive for me to take chances. Oh, and the hives and constant itching for three days afterwards is no fun either.

Favorite Television

Hubby and I watch several TV series and a few we even watch with our youngest, who is also a TV series junkie. We love the Game of Thrones, The 100, The Amazing Race, Black Sails, Walking Dead, and Christley Knows Best. We love to re watch the Deadwood series at least once a year. We just finished watching Hell on Wheels series. We are loving the new TABOO TV series, it is so good.

Favorite Books

Used to be an avid reader, however my crafts keep me busy so much I do not have time to read anymore. But I do puzzles on my IPad to help me fall asleep now.


I am a Dachshund lover, so any thing related to them will put a huge smile on my face. I own a rescue and her name is Billie and she is my love. Also I have a cat Salem that is a rescue and I love him to pieces, he has a very sad story that has officially made him a grey tabby Garfield.

Colors: My favorites that I am drawn to are Purple, Black, Lime Green & Turquoise. However, I like any color as long as it has been coordinated correctly with another color or coordinate theme with it.

Themes: I am not too picky on the theme of things. Here are some examples of some themes I like Vintage Pin-Ups and they can show boobs, Halloween, Cat , Dog, Taboo humor as long as it isn't something that should be kept behind closed doors with your loved one.


Major Dislikes:

Is not being rated for the swap that I send you. The majority of the swaps I participate in are handmade and I put thought and effort into them, so please have the curtsy to rate the swap. This applies not to just me but to others. We made an effort to personal make the swap item and to send it on time, so please be respectful; and rate the swap.

NO SMOKING POLICY: Please do not send items that smell like smoke, this is a non smoking house and I can smell the cigarette smoke on crafts that have been created in a house or room that is smoked in. It is just a gross smell that I prefer not have around me or my house.

Swappers who will only give an artist a heart if they get f***ing goodies with their swap item. RATE FOR ARTWORK AND ARTISTIC STYLE, that is what truly deserves a heart.

Disliked Themes: Tribal print, Christianity (I am Pegan), Dolls except for Quipe Dolls and Cabbage Patch dolls, CLOWNS, no clowns what so ever. They freak me out along with ventriloquist dolls or dolls period.


Comment: She is AWOL!
jjhere rated for 9 Months of Halloween ATC's - Month 8 on Sep 16, 2018
Comment: Never sent and no response to messages. Hope all is okay with her.
Comment: Thank you
graciepie49 rated for TIMs: “MOOny Eyes on Aug 24, 2018
Comment: Finally received this swap in the mail yesterday (8-23-08). Dana is MIA - she hasn't logged onto Swap-bot since Aug. 4, she never sent me a message or read the one I sent to her. I sincerely hope she is OK.
CraftyCathy31 rated for Halloween Mini Cards on Jul 21, 2018
Comment: I loved the mini cards! You are very creative! Trust in God to get you through your life!
jjhere rated for Halloween ATC - Month 6 on Jul 14, 2018
Comment: Really cute witchy ATC - thank you!
Comment: Thanks for the beautiful rainbow roses. Happy swapping, Linda
Arabella rated for Halloween Washi Tape Cards! on Jun 27, 2018
Comment: Thank you for your wonderful Halloween card, Dana, it will be a pleasure to use it in October - or earlier!
Johkup rated for GG: Postcard #7 on Jun 24, 2018
Comment: Thanks for this lovely card :)
Comment: Love the floral ones! Thanks!
Comment: Thanks for the beautiful napkins and book paper pages. I love the variety, and look forward to using them in future projects!
PaperPassion rated for TIMs: Moo Bees on Jun 8, 2018
Comment: Very cute moos.Great job.thank you
Comment: You are very creative! TXS! Trick or Treat!
graciepie49 rated for TIMs: Words of Wisdom on May 24, 2018
Comment: Thank you for making and sending me your cute Rinchies :-) I like them all but like the "Smile" one the best. I'm sticking these on my printer which sits right next to my computer screen. ~Grace
heatherkm rated for TIMs: Color My World on May 16, 2018
Comment: I think your drawings are great! You don't need to be self conscience about them all :)
adaywithmom rated for TIMs: April Showers... on May 5, 2018
Comment: I just love what you created! You did a great job. Lots of talent. Thank you so much!
Comment: Thanks for joining the swap and for a cute ATC!
PaperPassion rated for Invite Me To Dinner PL on May 1, 2018
Comment: Dana,So cute Pl .I love what you did with the theme.Mailed mine ,you should have it by now.thanks so much for joining this swap.Thanks so much for doing a great job.
Comment: Never received. Message partner 4/14/18. Received resend 4/28/18. Thank you.
Response: Had mailed it in a bubble mailer and got it back with my address and part of the destination address on it. It looked like it had gotten caught in a machine ripped in half. resent on 4/25 tracking number is 9500 1100 0546 8115 0663 63 . I was out on vacation for two weeks when the message was sent. We camp so we do not get internet service. Have messaged back and did let her know how it was mailed. fingers crossed it makes it.
Purplmyst rated for Easter Egg Halloween style on Apr 27, 2018
Comment: 2nd time is the charm! Thank you for the cute eggs
Response: glad you liked them.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9749 357 9 12
Completed Fives Threes Ones
352 395 1 2
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
2 81 269 0
View all

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


CurlyTea on Mar 4, 2019:

Happy Birthday!

Poeprincess on Aug 6, 2018:

Dana, I am missing 2 ratings: 1 for the TIMs Astrology swap of June 15, and 1 for the Moony Eyes swap of July 13. Your partner in the Moony Eyes swap has not received her Moos yet, even though you indicated they had been sent. Please address these issues as soon as possible. I have sent you 3 messages and you have not responded. I know this must be an oversight on your part, but I cannot let you join any more swaps in TIMs until these issues are resolved. Hoping to hear from you! Hugs, Di

MsLee on Mar 12, 2018:

Happy belated Birthday! Celebrate the entire month!!!

CurlyTea on Mar 2, 2018:

Happy Birthday!

yvonne401 on Apr 9, 2017:

Welcome to Inches, Betwinchies & Twinchies Lovers! It's great to have you!

mgallardo68 on Jan 6, 2017:

Thank you so much for my ''Tag through the Alphabet…'' goodies!!! I loved them!!

mgallardo68 on Jan 6, 2017:

Thank you so muchhhhh for my goodies!!! I loved everything, those dolls are just lovely!!!

sassafrass on Dec 17, 2016:

Best wishes for your Mom! I hope she will have a speedy recovery.

Tiffaknee on Oct 15, 2016:

Welcome to the GWE and also, welcome to Swapbot. Please feel free to join any of our swaps or our WTA (Winner Takes All) in our group forum. We also have a birthday thread that you can post your birthday and address in to receive something on your birthday. We just finished a series of Samhain swaps so we are low on group swaps at the moment, but we will have some more up soon! Blessings, ~T

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