Swap-bot Time: March 14, 2025 9:33 am

All ratings for fluffyjunk

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Comment: Very nice sturdy ATCs! Thank you and take care.
Comment: Thank you, the card you drew/painted is so nice! I'm thankful that I don't have any cacti because I sure wouldn't like to hug them from you. ;)
Kitawny rated for G-Nerds: Gamer`s Christmas Greetings on Dec 30, 2021
Comment: thank you so much ! i loved the little plumbob tree decorations . they match my nerd tree perfectly
quaisoir rated for IFM: Christmas Washi (global) on Dec 9, 2021
Comment: Thanks for the lovely items!! That shaker card is beautiful! Along with the nice washi samples. What a lovely thought of giving me some vintage book pages in German n Swedish. They are so interesting! Have a lovely Christmas! 😊❤️❤️❤️
Response: Thank you for your lovely comment! I am super happy that you like all the stuff... :D
CAMILES rated for CPG Christmas ATC Coin - Global on Dec 4, 2021
Comment: Love the coins n extra. Thank you.
Response: You are welcome. :)
Comment: Thank you! I wasn't sure I would like paper ornaments, but when I fluffed them out a bit, I loved the 3D effect of them .Pretty! Both survived the mailing and are on my tree right now. :D
Response: I´m so happy that you like them! I also wan´t sure how they would look but I like this style so much that I made a bunch for our kids-safe-tree! :D Thanks for your rating!
mrsD rated for CPG 2021 Flat Ornament + Card - Global on Nov 25, 2021
Comment: thank you for the cute card and the wondeful handmade book paper ornaments! i love them xo
Response: Thank you!!! Making them was also a lot of fun! :D
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful handmade card and the story it. I love The Christkind story. And the extras are a great add ! Happy holidays for you too!
Response: Thanks a bunch! It really was fun to create this card! XD
Comment: Romy, thank you for the gorgeous ATC. It really is so pretty and I love the style. Also, thanks for the awesome stamped anthromorphic animals! I squealed in delight when I saw them. :) Hope to be partnered again!
Response: Wow... This card was fast! Thanks a lot for your rating. I am so happy that you liked my mail (especially the stamps! XD ) and it would be great to swap with you again. :)
TouringLady rated for ❄️ Christmas Card #3 on Jan 26, 2020
Nushkinathan rated for SIE: wonderful Chritmas time on Dec 29, 2019
Comment: Thank you so much! I love how everything is wrapped up so beautifully. I feel very spoilt!!
wooperton rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas Card x3 on Dec 12, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card, gorgeously decorated envelope and the washi tape! Loved it. Merry Christmas xxxx
uliaya rated for 🎅 Christmas Card #2 on Dec 6, 2019
Comment: Dear Romy, thank you so much for your amazing Christmas card and special thanks for coin! ❤️❤️❤️ Wish you a great weekend, Yulia
satinification rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas Card x3 on Dec 4, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card. The handmade envelope is georgeous. As a one of Christmas decorations in my home, I hang cards and postcards from around the world on walls. The one from you is in my bedroom. Soon together with my son (9 y. o.) we will bake gingerbreads and cookies, some of them will later decorate our Christmas tree. Have fun in this pre-Christmas time and Merry Christmas!
MBakker rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas Card x3 on Nov 28, 2019
Comment: Thank you so much for the lovely card and all the amazing washi's! You spoiled me! I love Christmas, especially baking cookies and planning Christmas diner, my daughter is 9 and she loves helping out with all of it. Happy Holidays!! Xx Monique ❤️🎄❤️
luv2kraft rated for 🎄 Christmas Card #1 on Nov 23, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the beaytiful Christmas card. I appreciate the extra goodies We make and eat tamales. I like the chicken. Pork is traditional.we always open our gifts Christmas morning, have lunch around 1 p.m. and admire our gifts the rest of the day while snacking on cookies, pie and cake.
Comment: thanks for the awesome stuff :)
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating!
Response: Thanks for the rating! And have a wonderful Christmas time!
Wooper rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “K” on Jul 14, 2019
Comment: Thank you for this ATC! I have never heard of this game, this swap-series is so fun since I get to know a lot of new stuff I've never heard of! :)
Response: Thank you for the rating! I hope I can continue with this series some day. I love it as well - but my pregnancy-brain is super non-creative right now. :/
Emro rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “L” on Jun 21, 2019
Comment: Auch diese ATC finde ich echt gut gelungen und ein sehr interessantes Motiv. Vielen Dank für die tolle Post! ☺ Ich hab damals auch noch die alten Spiele mit dem "Block und Stift" Prinzip kennen gelernt. Das hatte ich bis zu deiner Erinnerung schon komplett vergessen. Hab mich auch des Öfteren elendig verlaufen und bin in der Hinsicht echt dankbar für moderne Spiele. lol
Response: Vielen Dank! Ich liebe es, in dieser Art von Erinnerung zu schwelgen. Aber wenn ich versuche die richtig alten Spiele heute zu zocken, kriege ich die Krise! :D
Emro rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “J” on Jun 21, 2019
Comment: Erstmal herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinen Neuigkeiten! 🎉 Zum Swap: Auch wenn du mit dem Endergebnis vielleicht nicht sooo zufrieden Bist, finde ich, dass es dir trotzdem echt gut gelungen ist. Jack ist irgendwie echt nicht gruselig und das Spiel klingt klasse. Nicht-gruselige Spiele sind mir auch heute noch die Liebsten. haha.
Response: :D Dankeschön! Heute kann ich ausschließlich ungruselige Sachen spielen. Jumpscares bekommen mir gar nicht... :D
Comment: Thank you for such a fantastic mini pocket letter. If you ever fancy carrying on the letters, may be we could set up a private swap?
Response: Thank you! I am planing a new Mini-Pocket-Letter-swap for SIE over the holidays. Perhaps you like the idea and join it. :)
Comment: I love my filthy fly poster on my wall. What a fun graphic. I may have to do July as a e swap, as we settle in and I dig out my stash from moving, but by August this will be a mail art swap.
Response: Thank you! Your Accordion Awareness Month pics are awesome.... :D
brumby3 rated for IPC: Happy Mail Flipbook on Jun 3, 2019
Comment: Hi Romy, I received your amazing package today! I am so touched by the effort you put into this swap. Especially since the package was very personalised to my Profile likes. The flipbook you made me is so beautiful! I love it so much! And you added awesome goodies inside too. I am really amazed that you remembered the flipbooks I made you, I am very touched by that! I loved your detailed letter - I hope you are feeling much better now. And wow, a lot of rain! It is now winter here in Australia and where I live it is pretty cold now, but very little rain (actually have had many cold sunny days). I love all the extra goodies you sent me, I was so excited when I saw them! The little hand sanitizer is SO pretty, I have never seen anything like it before! And everything else is just amazing. Thank you SO SO much! I truly appreciate everything you have sent to me. Happy swapping!! Annabelle xoxoxo
Response: Yeah! :D I am so happy that you like everything! I was hoping to have you a my send-to-partner one day, so I could give you something in return for your amazing double-flip-book-mail. :) Oh, and the hand sanitizer has indeed a nice smell! I saw it after I brought your mail to the PO...
tristitia rated for IPC: Inspiration Kit on Jun 2, 2019
Comment: Wow, Romy! This package is amazing! So much fun to go through everything - and I love it all! I keep looking though and finding new things! All the magazine images, book pages, stickers, the book stamp - and I really love the way you decorated the envelope! Thank you, thank you!
Response: I thought I could be a bit crazy with the content because you like mixed media art. :D Thank you for your rating!
Omiranda11 rated for NH: Spring ATC on May 26, 2019
Comment: What a beautiful interpretation of Spring in an ATC. This looks amazing! I love it.
Response: Thank you! :) It was so great to work on this piece...
satinification rated for Bundle of mystery on May 13, 2019
Comment: Thank you for so many great items! I am sure they will be useful. I love the combination of black and gold. Looks really beautiful. I already have an idea for a project with these shiny paper scraps ;) Thank you, once again & happy swapping!
Response: That`s great! Have fun with the items and thank you for your rating and the lovely comment!
anicka22 rated for Bundle of mystery on May 10, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the black with gold themed mail
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating... :)
onthesnap22 rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “H” on Apr 26, 2019
Comment: I LOVE this atc!!! my son and daughter both played Halo, but learning the story was so cool. Thanks so much for that. Love the water coloring <3
Response: Thank you so much! It was great to make this ATC - it was my first try to make a galactic background with watercolors. :D
Wooper rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “I” on Apr 24, 2019
Comment: Another great ATC ♡ I love your watercolour-cards :) I havent played the game so it was great hearing about it! And the necklace you made is AWESOME! Thanks for sharing :3
Response: Thank you! This is one of those games you have to play as a kid, to love it as an adult. :D The pixely graphic makes it hard for younger players to find it even playable... :)
Wooper rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “G” on Apr 24, 2019
Comment: I love this goat ATC :D I have been watching streams of the game and it indeed is quite a silly and I agree, it's not a game I'd personally buy or be interested at. (And you mentioned Divinity Original Sin 2, I loved playing it with multiplayer ♡ )
Response: hihihihi.... This game is infamous! :D I loved to watch the videos of the "react channel" on youtube. And D:OS2 is an awesome game! I play it mostly in singleplayer but am doing a run with a friend right now. But the game is very dark. A bit too dark at some points - especially with the pet pal talent! Did you med the little bear cub and talked to him? My goodness.... That was one of the darkest moments of the game for me! :( The first D:OS was super silly at parts but it was not such depressing...
jacianne rated for IPC: Mini Pocket Letter - Any Theme on Apr 16, 2019
Comment: i got your package,,i love it...i even id a youtube video to show off my stuff that you sent! thank you so much
Response: This is so cool! I never saw my stuff in a youtube-video! Amazing! And I can`t stop smiling because you are so happy with what I sent.... That absolutely makes my day!!! Thank you! :D
user6937 rated for Oceana: Senders choice on Apr 12, 2019
Comment: A swordfish! I think this might be the only ATC I have with one on it - another great piece of art, thank you :)
Response: This was the perfect chance to use those stamps for the first time. I like this style and the seacreatures look quite pretty. Thank you for your rating and the heart! :)
user6937 rated for Oceana: Seahorse on Apr 11, 2019
Comment: What a great drawing/colouring of the seahorse - just beautiful. Thank you for always sending the best artwork!
Response: Thank you for this rating! :) I was sweating while I draw this seahorse... Watercolors are so... unpredictable sometimes. :D
Manurnakey rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “F” on Apr 8, 2019
Comment: My son and husband play Fallout! And now my daughter is playing Fallout 76 with them. I've heard them say similar things about the game not really being like the original Fallout(s). Thank you so much for the awesome Nuka Cola ATC and the extras :)
Response: Aaaawwww... It is so amazing that you have a gamer family! I think Fallout 76 can be a hugh fun when you can play it with friends or friendly unknown gamers. But for now I will stick to the older games. And to Divinity: Original Sins 2! XD Thank you for the rating and your comment!
piratecaptainmo rated for NH: Scrappy Circles - INT on Apr 8, 2019
Comment: Thank you for all the lovely circles! They'll be a lovely addition to my swap bot scrap book!
Response: Wonderful! :D Thank you for rating me with a heart... :)
caf1988 rated for BMAG - Scrappy Circles - INT on Apr 7, 2019
Comment: Love the circles you made! Like you, I'm totally going to be making more of them! Thank you for the other goodies as well! The little "gnomey" fire fighter made me smile 😃.
Response: Thank you! This swap was such an eye-opener for me! Now I know exactly what to do with paper scraps... :D The gnomey fire fighter is called "Löschzwerg", what can be translated as "extinguish-dwarf". XD It`s from a beer mixed with some sort of soda. Suepr fresh and delicious!
Bhindblueeyes rated for Ghost Story on Apr 1, 2019
Comment: I have your story in hand! The 5 and heart are for its presentation alone - you've gone above and beyond! I will read the story tonight when I'm alone and in the dark!!! :) Thank you so much!!!
Response: Have lots of fun with it! I hope your blood runs cold! A little bit... :D Thank you so much for your rating!
CrowDancer rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “D” on Mar 29, 2019
Comment: The Purple and Green Tentacles are so cute! I'm curios about the game, so I'll definitely be looking into it later! I love the stickers and postcards you sent, too! Thank you so much!
Response: I hoped to make you curious about the game - I started playing it (again) just recently and had to show it my son as well! :D Thank you for your rating and the heart! :)
meeltje57 rated for Ephemera Pocket Letter on Mar 29, 2019
Comment: Wow wow wow, what a super toll great beautiful pocket letter. I feel so lucky with you as my swap partner. Also many thanks for the empty sleeve, so nice of you to put one in the lovely decorated envelope. I totally don't mind the extra's, I won't tell anyone ໒(⇀‿↼)७ I would give you 10 💚 per pocket if I could and 10 extra to make 100 ❤💙💚💛💜💖❤💙💚💛💜❤💙💚💛💜💖❤💙💚💛💜
Response: Yeah! Thank you so much! I am so happy that you like the PL! When I started on it, I was afraid it would look like a bunch of trash when it is finished... But I really liked the result and was hoping that you would as well. :D Thanks a bunch for your amazing comment!!!
Wooper rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “E” on Mar 22, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the fun ATC! The game sounds like a lot of fun, I'm happy to find out about it (maybe I'll test it someday :)) Thank you also for the extra ATC, I love it!
Response: Yeah! You should really have a look at the game if you like funny adventures. I think the jokes are not always perferct translated into English but it is a very cool game!
pahasiga rated for SIE: Handmade Postcard #2 on Mar 18, 2019
Comment: I think your piggy looks just great! I have used hair spray myself in the past, it arrived quite non-smeared (but was not smelling nice anymore).
Response: Thank you so much! :D I am so glad you enjoy it and it arrived not completely ruined!
sassafrass rated for IPC: Journal Card Mini Booklet on Mar 11, 2019
Comment: Your booklet is so well done and creative! I love all the little hidden pockets and the goodies you sent are amazing. I look forward to using everything, and especially love the little paper feathers (so cute!) and the birds/nest cling stamps are lovely. The colors you used, composition, and little details are so perfect. Thank you for such a beautiful swap! P.S. I also love the packaging and very carefully have saved the cute tissue paper
Response: I worked on it soooo long because I had new ideas every day! :D Thanks for this swap - I totally got lost in the details. :D And thank you for your rating!
Comment: Love how you put ewarything together
Response: Thank you! What a great swap... :D
Manurnakey rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “C” on Feb 26, 2019
Comment: Wow...just WOW! Your ATC is awesome - very nicely done. I love the color pallette, texture, and layers. And I adored the story you shared about Angry Ghandi, LOL! My son and husband played the game but never mentioned Ghandi. How hilarious! And thank you for all the itty bitty fabulousness you included :)
Response: LOL XD Fantastic! I am happy that you like it and that I was able to tell you something new about an old game. :) Thanks for the rating!!!
Emro rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “B” on Feb 8, 2019
Comment: Vielen Dank für die coole Karte zum B! Das Spiel klingt genial. Das hätte ich sicher auch gern gespielt. 🙂 Vielen Dank auch für die schönen Postkarten. 🙂 Tut mir sehr leid, dass du schon die Hoffnung aufgegeben hättest, weil bei mir leider die Post oft nur so selten kommt... :(
Response: Schön, dass sie Dir gefällt. :) Ich habe das Spiel sogar letzte Woche mal wieder gezockt! Ich musste zu einer mehrtägigen Schulung und habe in einer Art Studentenwohnheim übernachtet. Die Abende habe ich mir mit Baldur`s Gate vertrieben. :) Mein liebstes Partymitglied ist Minsc. Er ist ein glatzköpfiger, barbarischer Kämpfer und er hat... einen Hamster. Boo. Minsc glaubt, es sei ein Miniatur-Riesen-Hamster, aber es ist wohl eher ein ganz gewöhnlicher Wühler. Schön ist Minscs Kampfschrei, sobald ein Feind in Sicht kommt und wir einen Angriff starten: "Go for the eyes, Boo! FOR THE EYES!!!" XD
HippieChick rated for supplies for surprise on Feb 6, 2019
Comment: This arrived yesterday and I am still blown away! Thank you so much! I love it all! Those little watercolour cubes a so sweet. We have that brand here but it is rather pricy, and hard to come across, so I haven't had a chance to try them yet, thank you for sharing! I am amazed the little porcelain (?) stars survived the trip, only the 2 largest had cracked but I was able to repair them and they will be wonderful! I have a project to make little crescent moons with a friend and they will be perfect accents for them! They are the cutest! Romy, you spoiled me. I feel like I didn't send enough for this exchange. I continue to keep an eye out for cute stencils for your little one. ;) Thank you so much. Mail from you always brightens my day/week and I always appreciate it. And your little watercolour practise pieces are wonderful. I think I shall make a small journal to practise watercolour in. Thank you for the inspiration!
Response: Narf.... I knew it! I should have wrapped the stars better. I am sorry that they were damaged but luckily you were able to fix them! They are handmade of clay. In a tiny pottery in the region where I grew up. :) The watercolors are ridiculous pricy here, too! But I found them for such a good price, I just had to try them. Now that I found my favourit watercolors I woun`t use them anymore and thought you could practice with them. :) I like their quality. The idea with the journal is fantastic! perhaps I should try that as well... Nothing is better than making others happy. Mission complete! :D Looking forward to swap with you again!
Comment: Love how they turned out. Thank you a lot for the extras I can use in the album
Response: Thank you!!! :)
dorcii rated for IPC: One Word Swap on Feb 3, 2019
Comment: Thanks for your parcel :) I really liked the gifts, but you forgot to mention the name of the swap, so I really needed to do a research from which swap it came from
Response: Thank you for the 5 and the heart! :) And sorry that I did not mention the swap name. I am always only in a very few swaps and can keep track of every one of them. I just forget that other swapers are way more active then I am... XD But I am glad you like the swap and I hope you can use some of the content.
Wooper rated for G-Nerds: Game-ATC A-Z - “A” on Feb 1, 2019
Comment: I love the ATC you made, such a great work ^^ I saw it on Instagram earlier, thought it was awesome and I'm happy to notice it looks even better live ;) I also appreciate the little letter you wrote and all the extras, thank you so much!
Response: Some days after I sent it, I realized that you are one of my few followers and I was SO sorry that I gave you this giant spoiler.... :( Sorry! I will be a bit more careful with the timing I post images there. But I am happy that you like this small ATC. :) Although it did not look exactly how I expected it, I was quiet happy with this tiny watercolor painting. :) Thank you for your rating and the nice comment...!
pahasiga rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas 🎄 Card x5 on Jan 8, 2019
Comment: Thank you for the card and poem!
Response: Thanks for this rating as well! And I hope you are able to relax a bit, now that the holidays are over. :D
pahasiga rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas 🎄 Card x2 on Jan 8, 2019
Comment: Thank you so much for your card and description of your Christmas preparations!
Response: It was a fun swap and I enjoyed to write something in two languages to you. :) Thank you for the rating!
Comment: Wish I could give you more than 1 heart. The watercolor on the ornaments and the background is great. Love the dimension. The book is amazing. I am really a huge fan of the sscrap samplers. I would like to know about the latex binding. (I am not allergic) Thanks too for the german texts and the book page with the illustration, how cute!!!!
Response: Yeah! :D Thank you for the rating and the awesome comment! I am completely into watercolors right now - I am not really good but even tiny exercises are able to fully relax me and that is worth so much... The scrap samplers are so easy to make but I like them as small gifts for other crafters and already made a bunch. :D I will send you a message about the binding. :)
susieq11 rated for Holiday Cards on Dec 27, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful swap!! The envelope is sooooo awesome!!!! I will keep it! I just love how creative it is and so much fun! Thank you for the good wishes - I hope you enjoyed the holiday and were able to be in a festive mood all month long!! Happy New Year to you!!!! XOXO
Response: Aaaawww... Thank you so much! :) My holidays were fantastic this year! All quiet, peaceful and cozy - just how I love it... :D Happy New Year!!!
Inger71 rated for Holiday Cards on Dec 26, 2018
Comment: Thank you for your beautiful card!! Merry Christmas to you too!! 🎅
Response: Thank you! :)
Zefaniya rated for G-Nerds Christmas Card Swap on Dec 24, 2018
Comment: Thanks! I think there’s some Mario kart in store for tonight! 🎅🏼🎄
Response: Uuuuuuhhhh..... I can imagine you had a lot of fun on Christmas! :D
LadyJo rated for Holiday Cards on Dec 20, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful card! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! Also, Have a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Response: Thank you!!! :)
ashanti2106 rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas 🎄 Card x5 on Dec 16, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card and decorated envelop!! Making cookie houses sounds like fun. Happy holidays!!!
Response: Same to you! :) Thank you....
ema819 rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas 🎄 Card x5 on Dec 12, 2018
Comment: Thanks so much for the lovely card and happy holidays!!!
Response: Thank you, too! :)
noname13 rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas 🎄 Card x5 on Dec 11, 2018
Comment: Vielen Dank für die Weihnachtskarte. Ich habe die gleichen gekauft :)
Response: Die sind aber auch schön! :D
wooperton rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas 🎄 Card x5 on Dec 7, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the lovely card. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and new year xxx
Response: You are welcome! :) Thanks for the rating!!!
noname13 rated for SIE: 🎄 Christmas 🎄 Card x2 on Dec 6, 2018
Comment: Danke dir für die schöne Weihnachtskarte. Und sogar mit Weihnachtsbriefmarke. Wollte Samstag welche holen, aber die standen bei der Post Schlange bis raus auf die Straße und da hatte ich keine Lust, mich anzustellen.
Response: Sehr gerne! :) Unsere Postfiliale hat nicht mal besondere Briefmarken... Ich bestelle sie mir gerne online (versandkostenfrei). :D Frohes Fest!
pahasiga rated for CPG 2018 Flat Ornament - Global on Dec 5, 2018
Comment: Thank you so much for the shaker ornament!! I now want to try to make one like this myself. How did you get the thickness (sides)?
Response: woahr... O_O This needed only two days to arrive! I am glad you like the ornament. I couldn`t stop making them and now I have a couple for our tree... :D I used some layers of rubber foam (I hope this is the right translation) - the colorful stuff small kids use for crafting. The clear foil is some old packaging. Befor you glue something on the plastic, try some different glues. I realized that some of my best glues did absolutely not stick to the plastic. And to pevent the glitter to fall out, I put some Glossy Accents around the outside edges. I would love to see the ornaments you make...! :)
Comment: Thank you so much for such a wonderful box to open, and the awesomely wrapped gifts! I'm saving them for advent calendar gifts, but already I'm so so happy, due to the wrapping with cat themed fabric <3
Response: I was hoping you could use the wrapping for your quilt! :D
Kaizla rated for TITS - Nightmare ATCs on Nov 20, 2018
Response: Thanks for rating me with a heart! :D
mgallardo68 rated for Advent calendar for kids on Nov 16, 2018
Comment: Thank you Romy for a lovely swap full of meaning. This is one of my 2 very first Advent Calendars and since now, a new tradition for me!! ♥
Response: {{{HUGS}}} ♥ ♥ ♥
mgallardo68 rated for lovely Advent calendar on Nov 16, 2018
Comment: Thank you Romy for a lovely swap full of meaning. This is one of my 2 very first Advent Calendars and since now, a new tradition for me!! ♥
Response: {{{HUGS}}} I wish this would have worked better. But I am glad you make this a new tradition for you and your loved ones! :)
Comment: Your journal is fabulous! I have really enjoyed looking at all the pages! Thank you! Also, randomness, but the bandaids you tucked in for magpie-ness, seem to be the perfect size for my tiny fingers! I have to cut the ends off of regular sized bandaids.
Response: Thank you!!! I like doing those magpie journals but this one was a challenge because of the size! 100 pages and I wanted to make every page look different... When I worked on it with my son, we had soooo much fun because he was absolutely free in what he glues in the journal, which stamps he use and what colour of paint. I think we will do this again. :) Cool that the bandaids fit your fingers so well! Now I wish I would have some more of them... Thank you for your rating me with a heart!!! :)
YooperHill rated for TITS - Nightmare ATCs on Oct 25, 2018
Comment: Eeeek!
Response: I wish I could remember which ATC I sent to whom... O_O Thank you so much for yor rating and the heart!!!
Comment: Oh my, your experiences, and those of your family are so scary! Thanks.
Response: I really hope you enjoyed it! :) Thank you for the rating and the heart...!
TinySleepyfox rated for TITS - Nightmare ATCs on Oct 12, 2018
Comment: I love the ATC and thanks for the cute extras <3
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart!!! I am so glad you like it!
nytetears rated for G-Nerds Hi, nice to meet you! on Oct 1, 2018
Comment: thank you for the most amazing letter and the postcard. I really enjoyed reading about all the games you play. I love the RPG type games and there are few mentioned I will check out!
Response: Thank you for your feedback! Writing about my favorite hobby was really fun! :D
LizzyJo rated for Oceana: 3 Techniques ATC - Seahorse on Sep 28, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the cool seahorse ATC and other goodies. The seahorse you used is my favorite variety. (We saw some of them at Scripps Institute in California. They look look Dr. Seuss-ish to me.)
Response: I like animals in disguise! :D So glad you like it... Thank you for your rating!
Comment: Nice swapping with you again :) Thanks for the pretty tag - the watercolor background came out great. And thanks for the extras too. Oh, and that rabbit on the back of the tag - too cute.
Response: Thank you! I enjoyed working with water colours... I will do this more often now.
JadeFan rated for Calling all Gamers on Sep 20, 2018
Comment: I will have to check out your few minutes games. Costume Quest looks so cute. Thanks for the postcard.
Response: You are welcome! :)
TereDiane1954 rated for NewbieHelpers/Sew What? on Sep 15, 2018
Comment: Wow, you have quite a talent! I love the pretty little zippered bag; you sew so neatly! I also love all the goodies you stuffed it with♥ especially the things made with vintage book pages. You've given me inspiration for some cards I want to make. Thank you so much♥♥♥
Response: Thank you.... :) I realized so many small mistakes I made with this small after project. But I am so happy that I slowly find back to sewing again. Thanks for hosting this swap and your rating!
Myself333 rated for TITS - Creepy Clown ATCs on Sep 14, 2018
Comment: Thanks for the awesome ATCs Romy! I especially love the one you painted, so cool/ creepy looking! And thanks for the extra nautical stuffs, my fave of course! <3 OH and your note had me cracking up hahaha! Do you remember Bozo the clown?? That was one of my favorite shows to watch as a kid.
Response: O_O I did NOT know about Bozo! Thanks for the nightmares...! Well... at least I have a new idea for your next nightmare ATC swap... XD
BelfryBat rated for Weird Profile Deco #3 - Art on Sep 8, 2018
Comment: Okay, yeah, it makes me mad too! I love the cat one - what a weird life that might be. Giuseppe really likes produce... lol! Thanks for sharing!
Response: And thank you for your nice rating! :D
ittybittykitty rated for Weird Profile Deco #3 - Art on Sep 7, 2018
Comment: Hey I really like Arcimboldo too! The other ones are definitely.....interesting!
Response: Yeah... Sometimes "art" is just..... interesting... :D Thanks for your rating!
Comment: Thank you for the darling ATC's.
Response: Thank you! :) And thanks for the heart...
Lierne99 rated for Calling all Gamers on Aug 21, 2018
Comment: Love the postcard you choose for me and you have some good games that your playing, have a nice week!
Response: Thank you! :D Writing about video games is nearly as good as playing them...
DeAnnaVarela rated for TITS: "A" ATC on Aug 18, 2018
Comment: Your work is amazing! I'm so glad you joined my little Facebook group. Sorry for the delay in this post. XO
Response: Thank you so much!!! :) And thanks for inviting me to your group! I did not expect it to be THAT much fun! I am already addicted..... :D
Comment: Amazing swap! I enjoyed flipping through this journal and seeing so many things I'd never seen before. I'll definitely try the coffee sample and the hair repair stuff! I saw a caramel apple tea wapper, I bet that tasted amazing. :) I also saw that Papa Roach will be at one of the music festivals. I've seen them in concert before (in 2009) and they are really great at a live show. I also really loved how you did some art on each page too. Thank you for a great swap!
Response: Oh, what an amazing rating! Thank you so much!!! I absolutely enjoyed making this journal and am super relieved that you like my ideas... :D ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Bhindblueeyes rated for Oceana: 3 x 3 on Aug 15, 2018
Comment: Thank you so much for the lovely mail! I am so excited to put these items to use :)
Response: Thank you for hosting this swap! And your rating!!! It was so nice to go through my stash and finde all those items. :)
Hell0Z0mbie rated for Totally Inappropriate "C" ATC on Aug 7, 2018
Comment: Hilarious ATC, thank you!
Response: Those little suckers took quiet a while to arrive.... I am glad they finally made it! :D Thanks for rating me with a heart...!
Hell0Z0mbie rated for Totally Inappropriate "B" ATC on Aug 7, 2018
Comment: This one is great! Thank you!
Response: This one made the most work. All the stamping.... Thanks for your rating!!!
Hell0Z0mbie rated for Totally Inappropriate "A" ATC on Aug 7, 2018
Comment: Love it, thank you!
Response: What a relieve! They made it! :D Thank you for the rating!!!
Comment: Thank you - the atcs are lovely!
Response: Thank you so much for the rating! I already work on the next ATCs for a CPG swap... I am addicted! :D
polyk rated for TITS - Alien ATC on Aug 6, 2018
Comment: I want to believe too!! Lol LOVED this ATC, especially the SP cow 😂 TY so much! Definitely gonna be upfront in my binder
Response: Yeah! :D This was one of my favourites to make so far. It makes me super happy that you like it as much as I do! Thanks a lot for your rating!
Comment: I absolutely loved the surfing dog tag for this. Hundestage! What a brilliant interpretation and, as I mentioned in my last rating, this package was just overall phenomenal. I love that you're able to try new things in this group and I wish I could give a thousand more hearts. xoxo
Response: Fantastic! Thank you so much! It is so easy for me to put together some happy mail for you. :D Strange....
Comment: Romy - You have outdone yourself with this swap. I absolutely love the tag (and the surfing dog tag too!), and the extra ATC showing your technique for painting water is amazing. Also, the letter you enclosed explaining it all, and the origami animals - truly this was a beautiful and inspiring parcel. Thank you so much. I wish I could give you a thousand hearts for this. xoxo
Response: Aaaawwww.... Thank you.... :) I found my way to make the tags now and really enjoyed making them! I even try out new things with every tag. Thanks for hosting this series! :D
DeAnnaVarela rated for Totally Inappropriate "B" ATC on Jul 26, 2018
Comment: I love the ATCs and the extras! Thanks so much! XOXO, D
Response: Great! :D Thank you for the rating and the heart!!!
Comment: You are so right, more shit I don’t need, but I going to keep this anus
Response: It was the first time I was brave enough to use those swap cards... I got them from Fenix825 and they are super inappropriate! :D Thank you for rating me!
Comment: I think I was going to die of laughter when I opened your mail. The dick can be that fun
Response: Oh, I didn`t want to harm you with this swap! :D But imagine how it was for me to DRAW this little guy! XD Thanks for your rating and the lovely comment!
Comment: This is really a work of art - thank you! You are so creative. I am going to take this as a lesson for future flipbooks. I loved it, especially that you found a picture of an anglerfish! I just knitted one for my amigurumi swap last month!
Response: Thank you! :) A anglerfish amigurumi sounds awesome! I would love to see him! :D
bluecrayons rated for I love Email Quiz on Jul 8, 2018
Response: You are welcome! :)
Comment: This PC was phenomenal! I don't know how you did that ocean background, but it rocks! Thank you for your note, too.
Response: Thank you!!! :D Making this water is a giant mess and it takes ages to dry but it looks just as if you could jump right into it. I am surprised I was able to make this! :D
January rated for RM: 12 Months of Tags - June: Beach! on Jun 19, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the great tag! The "water" part is so excellent and real looking - great job! Love it!
Response: Oh that water... I was absolutely surprised that I was able to make it look like that! I`m so happy you like it! Thank you for the rating and the heart!!!
January rated for IPC: Book Page Embellishments on Jun 19, 2018
Comment: Thank you thank you for the amazing paper embellishments! They are beautiful and delicate, and I can't wait to incorporate and highlight them into my art journal!
Response: Thank you for your rating and the nice comment! I had so much fun doing those embellishments... I made a bunch for me, too! :D
Comment: That octopus!!! Wow! I want one of those in my aquarium! LOL!!
Response: Me too!!! :D Thanks for your rating and the heart!
Hoosfoos rated for Weird Profile Deco #2 - Animalia on Jun 17, 2018
Comment: Thank you! What a cute little octopus, and chick that needs a haircut, ha ha!
Response: hihi.... You are very welcome! :)
Comment: I was just tickled to find your colourful package in the mail today! I really like the folder booklet you created...the colours were great as were all the little touches you had on each pocket. I had to tell you that your package made it's way all the way to me in Canada WITHOUT ANY POSTAGE and the post office just put it in my box like it was any other mail....no postage due! I am sure you put postage on there but somewhere along its journey it came off. I thought it was funny :)
Response: I had a feeling that nothing could stick on the duckt tape... :D It is so sad that you had no chance to see the newest special stamp about the "German bread culture"! XD Anyway... I am absolutely happy that you like what I made for you (It was so much fun that I already made some more of those books for ATC-storing!) and I am looking forward to more fun youtube-craft-swaps! Thanks for hosting this and thank you for rating me with a heart!!!
user6937 rated for Embellish it! (private swap) on Jun 5, 2018
Comment: Spoiled me! Generously sent more than 10 embellishments, as well as die-cuts, book pages & 2 keys - I did not expect that. I'll use them on cards mostly, but also on ATCs. Thanks very much.
Response: Thank you for the rating, your email and the dogh-recipe! It is great to see that you know it - my son loves to make it and play with the colorful stuff... :D I use to stuff my envelopes until they reach the weight and size limit. I just HAD TO put some more things in the envelope, that I thought you could use for some craft projects. I am more than happy when I could treat you... :) I can`t wait to see your embellishments! You are absolutely right: the creations of others are often a fantastic inspiration!
ittybittykitty rated for Weird Profile Deco on Jun 4, 2018
Comment: “Is that a tabby in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?” :D
Response: BWAHAHAHAHA!!! This naughty kitty... :D Thank you for your rating!
Bhindblueeyes rated for Weird Profile Deco on Jun 4, 2018
Comment: Hahahahahahaha. SO. much. YES! These are awesome - thanks so much!!
Response: gnihihihihi....It is amazing what weird stuff one can finde on the internet... :D Thanks for rating me with a heart! :)
Wildchild rated for I love Email Quiz on Jun 1, 2018
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart! :)
cottonfloss rated for I love Email Quiz on May 28, 2018
Comment: Thank you for your answers. Like learning about you :)
Response: You are welcome! It was fun writing it... :) Thanks for your rating!
lycheeSpoons rated for I love Email Quiz on May 27, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the email! I loved the story about your parents house and your ring sounds absolutely beautiful!
Response: Thank you! :D And thanks for the heart!
Ganjaprincess rated for I love Email Quiz on May 27, 2018
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart! :)
MartaSoares rated for FTLOC-Mini loaded pockets on May 23, 2018
Comment: Thank you for the lovely mini pockets! I love them and all the goodies you include:) Really enjoyed this swap!!!
Response: Thanks for the rating and the heart! I enjoyed this swap, too! Hopefully there will be more of this kind. :)
Comment: Romy, I have always loved what you sent but this is special.... The beautiful apron, the lovely vintage roses, all the goodies you included, gifts... Everything! Package has been smashed as a punching ball and taking around for weeks but it got finally to my hands and everything is inside and Clean!!! Thank you so much for your love and friendship! I hope you get mine soon and you like what I sent!♥♥
Response: You are so sweet.... I have to thank YOU! Because you made me sew again... :D It was great to make this apron for you and stuff the mail as much as possible. I`m sorry that it took so long but at least you got it and nothing was damaged! I`m looking forward to swap with you again soon... Thank you for your rating and the lovely comment! :)
Comment: Lovely tag Romy! I also love the connection to your wedding!! Thanks for sending the gorgeous wedding venue photos and the letter! I will be writing back soon : )
Response: Thanks for the rating! :) It was great to make this piece of paper craft a bit more personal....
Comment: Thank you so much for your beautiful birthday postcard, I like it! :)
Response: You are welcome! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! :)
Onibah3 rated for Upcycled Envelopes #2 on May 11, 2018
Comment: Hello again!! I want to thank you for the fun envelopes and parts you sent. It made me laugh because I too sent the same amount and parts too! Great minds. Be well!! Diane
Response: Haha! That`s great! Have fun with the envies and labels! Thanks a lot for rating me with a heart..... :)
Comment: Thanks a lot for your nice postcard! It arrived just perfect: in my birthday eve! Thanks also for your lovely message!
Response: Yeah! :D Great timing! Have a wonderful birthday!!!!
Comment: Thank you for postcard!
Response: Thank you for the rating! Have a wonderful birthday (soon...)!
Comment: Hello Romy. I love the diecuts. Gonna use them for sure❤
Response: Wonderful! Thanks a lot for rating me with a heart! :)
Comment: Danke dir für die schöne Karte!
Response: Bitteschön! Und danke für die Bewertung.. Genieß Deinen Geburtstag (bald!)!!!
Comment: This was a great mini PL full of great goodies. I esp like the cute little cat and the shaker pocket. Thanks SO much for the lavender ATC! I would give you more than one heart if I could!
Response: Thank you for your rating! It was lots of fun to make this PL and the ATC (I am fairly new to this...)! :)
Inger71 rated for Birthday in May 🎁 postcard swap on May 2, 2018
Comment: Hi. Thank you for your beautiful card, and happy birthday to you too!! 🎂😎🌻
Response: You are welcome! Have a great day! :)
newrule rated for Birthday in May 🎁 postcard swap on May 2, 2018
Comment: Lovely! Thanks for the card! Hope you have an awesome birthday month too!
Response: You are welcome! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! :)
Prpldy rated for T.I.T.S. - Never Have I Ever Swap on May 1, 2018
Comment: If I could give you a hundred ⭐️🌟💫⭐️🌟 I would. I loved everything you sent and I believe you sent more than you had to. I loved reading your note too. 😉😉 this was a great swap, thank you so very much.
Response: hahahah.... :D This swap was so much fun! It also had something of a confession... O_O Thanks for your rating and the heart!
Comment: Oh boy this one really took a while to reach me, but it was one of the few items I was still expecting and my mail has been more normal lately. Nonetheless, this was really worth the wait, it's beautiful!! Thanks for sending me spekulatius tea, I love it!! These cookies, believe ir or not, are sold here in Chile! The biggest supermarket chain here is owned by a German old guy, so they bring tons of international products, especially those from Germany and I love it. I'm crazy about Katjes and their veggie gummies and I always buy the spekulatius spice for cookies and smoohies hehe, I still haven't tried making spekulatius because I need a cute mold, but I'll make sure to get one for next Christmas. I've also bought springerle, but of course the homemade version must be way better. My favorite Christmas cookies are vanillekipferl actually, I bake them every Christmas because a friend shared her recipe with me and I've been obsessed with them ever since. If you ever want to swap cookie recipes, just let me know, I'd be more than happy to! Once again, thanks for such a cute pocket letter, it's beautiful and the goodies are wonderful too, and I really enjoyed your letter, hope you had a fun Christmas :)
Response: Every week I checked the info on your profile to see if I should send you a message. I was so sure, this little Pocket Letter got lost... I already started to work on a second one! :D I sent out the spekulatius-tea with some swaps and I have not expected to get that much positive feedback about it! Even here in Germany spekulatius is not everyone`s cup of tea (literaly!) but it seems our cookies are well known and liked around the world... :) I would LOVE to do a receipe swap! I have some from my grandma in mind.... Thank you so much for the rating and your wonderful comment!
marianne81 rated for FairyTales miniPL, H.C Andresen on Apr 27, 2018
Comment: Thanks for the beautifull mini PL of HCA Little mermaid!
Response: Thank you so much for your rating! :)
Comment: I have no words for how incredible this flipbook is. It put mine to shame - and it is hand's down the best flipbook I have ever received. I cannot thank you enough or give you enough hearts for this! xoxo
Response: Mission accomplished! (I would love to post a meme here... :D ) Thank you for the rating and the heart! I hoped you would like it - I wanted to send you something that a wonderful person like you deserves... :)
Comment: Romy - I cannot believe the amazing parcel that came in the post today. I LOVE your tag. Your take on the theme was so perfect, and the composition is wonderful. Thank you so much for such a lovely swap! xoxo
Response: Thank you! Thanks for this rating and your wonderful message. That means a lot to me! You are awesome! :)
catonip rated for Cat-Mini-Pocket-Letter on Apr 24, 2018
Comment: Romy I ADORE how you made this one. You are so talented! I also love the back with the cat playing with the ball of yarn and the funny quote. So cuteee! I especially love the cat washi you sent along. I've never seen these ones before! The cat putting it's hands in the tissue box killed me! So adorable. And the one that's sitting in the box! Gahahah! Omg i love it so much. Thank you for all the love and beautiful things you send me for our swaps I can't wait to try the tea!
Response: Gnihihihihi..... :D I could make cat PLs all day long! Yeah, the washi is awesome! This tape was a gift from the wonderful @mgallardo68 - I LOVE this tape!!! Thank you again for the ratings, the wonderful comments and the fantastic swap experience!
catonip rated for Comic-Mini-Pocket-Letter on Apr 24, 2018
Comment: You said in your letter that this one was the hardest but omg I just love how you made it. Is the Rocket Raccoon? :) Also the paper you used to make batman's ears is super cool. I love how it reflects in the light. The little paper deers you sent along are just so adorable. And I love the washi! All of them are beautiful but I must say that I can't wait to use the mushroom one! Hahah. Tausend Dank. <3
Response: Bitte sehr! :D I didn`t even think of Rocket Raccoon!!! I just picked this little guy because he looks so adorable! :D The Batman-paper was from a Christmas card. I never throw things away - you never know when you could use it.... Thank you for swapping with me!
catonip rated for Video-Game-Mini-Pocket-Letter on Apr 24, 2018
Comment: EEEEP! I adore this so much. You really are so talented and I love how you made the "?" block from Mario. Also, the dishonored 2 backing is soooooo cool. It really makes the whole swap feel super epic! You also really suffed the pockets and I can't wait to use the goodies you sent me! :D Thank you Romy. <3
Response: I had thousand ideas for this PL! And because of my video-game-magazin-subscription I have lots of material... The Dishonored back is from an add. I liked that picture. Very stylish. :D I am SO happy that you like what I sent you. Thank you so much for the rating comment!
Airam rated for SIE: Handmade Postcard on Apr 24, 2018
Comment: Thank you! It's very cool and I love the stamp! :)
Response: Thank you! I love the stamp, too! :D I am glad you like the postcard - it was easier to make than I thought. But finding the right washi-tape was a bit time intensive.... :)
PeliKat rated for O: Nautical Pocket Letter on Apr 5, 2018
Comment: Romy, what a beautiful creation you sent to me! I love the images you chose for your ATCs and the items you tucked in with each pocket. The little shells and anchor that you used to trim the edge are so cute! I thought the string that you used on some of the pockets was great - like the rope used on boats! And using trivia on vellum for the back of the pockets was a wonderful idea! Thank you also for the wonderful letter - I think you are a mermaid at heart as you truly love the water! Even your envelope was fun: from the variety of colorful stamps and your lovely penmanship on the address to the hand-drawn cat and cat washi tape decorating the back, this was such fun to receive! Thank you for all the care and creativity that you put into it!
Response: Aaaaaawwww..... Thank you so, so much for your lovely comment! It is great so see that you appreciate the crafting work of others so much! :) I like to use random facts and informations on the backs of my PLs. Usually I insert some fun facts about Germany but it was fun to search for some nautical facts for this swap. I never thought of being a mermaid. But you must be right... I could jump right into the water now! :D Thank you for your rating and the heart!
Rita rated for ISS: Project Life Cards on Apr 2, 2018
Comment: Hello I received the PL cards. Thanks. Just to let you know the envie was all torn up but the post office staff repackaged it. I think I got everything you meant to sent. Lovely cards, thanks!
Response: O_O What a shock! I hope no card is missing! :( Have fun using them and thanks for the rating! :)
Comment: Thanks for your amazing envelopes, I loved all of them!
Response: Great you like them! :D Have a happy swapping time with them...! Thanks for the rating and the heart!!!
Suus rated for ISS: Mail Art #3 - Tropical on Mar 30, 2018
Comment: Thank you so much for the cute envie! Als loved the adress labels :). Hope you have a lovely day!
Response: Thank you so much for your rating and the heart! :)
starliphx rated for brainteaser for crafting supplies on Mar 29, 2018
Comment: oh my goodness! so many goodies and then some! definitely gave me more than what i had expected! would give 3 hearts if i could, thank you thank you thank you!!!! <3
Response: I am glad to hear that it arrived so fast and that you can use the crafting supplies! :) Thank you very much for the nice comment and the heart...!!!
Comment: The images you used for this tag are very good (the ruins) and I LOVE how you made the sheep!
Response: I am so happy that you like the sheep - it was my favorite, too! :D Thanks for your rating and the heart - I had fun making this tag...
Comment: I love the washi samples and I love your washi/confetti theme and the little bunting/banner is SOOO cute! I saw your note on the envie moistening glue, I'm intrigued! And the cotton colors are adorable. I will have to find a suitable knitting project... It's a great amount for a dishcloth, but the colors are too pretty for that!
Response: Thank you so much!!! :) The colors were the reason why I had to buy them! Well... and the fact that they are so tiny and cute... :D I`m glad you like everything. Happy knitting!!!
heatherknits rated for CPG Handmade Envies - Global on Mar 19, 2018
Comment: Love your packaging, love the envies, heart!! That is a great idea to use photoshop for the wooly envies! (I am short a printer, I should fix that, it would revolutionize my crafting.)
Response: :D Thanks a lot for your rating! I was hoping you will like the wooly envies... My mom is a knitter, too and I know her passion for everything wool! :D
ittybittykitty rated for Private ATC Swap on Mar 18, 2018
Comment: Oh I LOVE these ATCs! Thank you, I wish I had extra hearts to give! Each one is so interesting, and they are also color-coordinated even though they’re about totally different topics. Super impressive. You did an outstanding job matching up the perspectives of the cut paper on the dot ATC (plus you introduced me to the word decuman). I also love the cat cupcake ATC; it’s just super cute! I like the layers and the embellishments on the craft ATC, and my husband who is Korean-American is curious about the origins of the Korean text. It might be interesting to include other sewing imagery to add to the theme, like dotted cutting lines or lines like seams. Maybe on the back? My favorite is probably the Shaun of the Dead one, I love your drawing style! Very cool idea to focus on his shirt; it’s instantly recognizable. Oh, and a big thank you for the cool lenticular stickers! They are super cool. Let’s do a sewing swap (once my sewing machine is fixed)?
Response: YEAH!!!! I am so happy that you like the ATCs! I always thought, they would be made easily (how much time would one need to decorate such a little piece of cardbord...) but... phew... it was so hard! So many ideas. So less space... The Korean text is from a tourist information brochure from the Vasa Museum in Stockholm. Or was it the Nordic Museum...? I just like the characters and had to take them with me! I would LOVE to do a sewing swap! I really want to sew more again - just let me know when your machine is working again. :) Thanks a lot for your ideas, for doing this fun swap with me and for the lovely rating comment!!!
lorz88 rated for mini-flipbooks for two on Mar 16, 2018
Comment: Romy, Wow the stuff you send is SO amazing!! You're so great at making flip books!!! The owls are so cute and all the goodies you sent!! Thank you so so much!!! Imagine having an owl as a pet, that would be so cool!! I'd love to do another swap with you! Let me know when you have time to swap again!
Response: I don`t have lots of owl-stuff, so I had to search for every little piece for this flip book... :D I am so glad that you like it. I had lots of fun making it! I will message you for another swap when I have more time - and when my flu is gone... :D Thanks a lot for your rating!!!
Comment: Romy, All I can say is wow!!!! Everything was so brilliant! The flip book you made me is absolutely gorgeous! SO many goodies!! I love the doilies and the van Gogh postcards! Thank you so much for an amazing swap!!!!!
Response: I`m happy you like what I made for you! :) The "sceleton" of this flipbook was done very fast but I had a lack of ideas for the decoration and fillings. It took me about 2 weeks to get started with its decoration but then it worked out very well. Thank you for your lovely comment and the rating with a heart!
emeraldawn rated for Swap Card Swap on Feb 15, 2018
Comment: It got here! It took a month, but it got here. I love them ALL thank you so much for so many swap cards and owls and butterflies!
Response: Thanks for rating me with a heart! Great that you like the cards! :) One month is not thaaaat bad... I had an envelope from the US stuck at the customs and it arrived after 4 months!
Comment: Thanks so much for the cards! I love Grumpy Cat lol!
Response: :D Grumpy Cat is so adorable ♥♥ and I am glad you love her, too. The swap-cards seem to be in the right hands now. Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!
Comment: What a beautiful tag, Romy! I love all of the dimensional elements you included and also the little bells. Your drawing skills are very good! I also love the fact that it includes the work of three generations - what fun. :)
Response: Thank you very much for your nice comment! I put so much effort into this little project and am absolutely happy, you like it! :) And thanks for mentoning the bird drawing. This was the biggest challenge! :D
Comment: Delightful send! Thank you so much :)
Response: Thank you for the rating and the heart! :)
Comment: Thank you for a lovely swap! Your atcs are gorgeous!!! And I especially appreciate the handmade card too!
Response: Thank you for hosting my very first ATC-swap! I LOVED IT!!!! :D And I am happy, you like the cards. I needed some attempts but I am pleased with the results. :)
TwinMom rated for Send 3 From the List #4 on Jan 30, 2018
Comment: Thank you so much for an amazing swap! I loved everything! :)
Response: I so hoped you enjoy your mail... That`s great! :D Thank you for the rating and the heart...
Justjada rated for Swap Card Swap on Jan 27, 2018
Comment: Thank you so much for the cute cards and tags!
Response: :) Thanks a lot for the rating and the heart! I hope you can use the swap cards...
Comment: Beautiful! Thank you!
Response: Thank you!!! This swap was great and I will reuse my holiday cards for tag making from now on! :D
Comment: Thanks for the tag
Response: You are welcome! This was my first try and I hope it was okay...
Comment: Liebe Romy, Vielen dank für den tollen mini Pocket Letter. Ich liebe das Füchse Thema und alle Goodies die du mir eingepackt hast. Liebe Grüße Nora
Response: Ganz lieben Dank! :) Ich bin immer froh wenn ich die kleinen, niedlichen Füchse für ein Projekt verwenden kann - hat richtig Spaß gemacht! Vielen Dank für die Bewertung und Deinen netten Kommentar!
renmagpie rated for RM: 31-Day Photo Challenge on Dec 4, 2017
Comment: Oh my gosh, Romy. I cannot thank you enough for this package. I absolutely loved sharing these 31 days with you - the letter, the scarf...everything! I wish I could give you a thousand more hearts. Thank you so, so much! xoxo
Response: Thank YOU for this swap! It is such a great idea and I hope you will host something similar during summer... :) Thanks so much for your lovely comment. :D
djb rated for Disney Pocket Letter on Nov 30, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for your amazing pocket letter and the flip book also! I loved everything about it, was so much fun discovering it all 😊 and thank you for hosting a private swap so I could get some practice with pocket letters, you're definitely a good example!
Response: Aaaawwww.... Thanks for your nice comment! I so appreciate that you liked my mail and you can get some inspiration from it. Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Comment: Hi, Romy, creative minds must think alike! =) My color choices for my partner were the same as yours. Thank you for the lovely mini pocket letter and the goodies! Everything is much appreciated.
Response: Ha! Great! :D I would love to see your version of this color combination! Thank you so much for your rating and the heart!!!
Comment: Thanks for the PC ;)
Response: You are welcome! Thank you for the rating!
Comment: sexy 😝
Response: Well... :D Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Comment: Solo cute!!!! Thanks for the goodies!
Response: It was so much fun making this! I love Halloween Pocket Letters... :) Thanks for rating me with a heart!
Comment: Thanks so much for the beautiful card
Response: I`m glad you like what I made for you! Thanks for the rating and the heart!
Comment: Love the post cards you made for me and the note you included and extras! Hope you enjoyed a wonderful Halloween party this year!
Response: You are welcome! :) We had a really nice little party this year. And my son was so excited about the kids that were ringing the door bell... I think he will go trick`r-treating next year as well! :D
Comment: Great postcard! Thank you.
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for the rating and the ♥!
Comment: Thank You! Your handmade card is gorgeous! I really liked the envelope, too. I'm so glad it made it through the mail. I've been having some bad luck with that lately. I will definitely be writing you a note back, it just might take a while. Happy Halloween!
Response: I can`t wait to read your answer! :D Thank you for the nice comment and your rating. I am always afraid how my mail will arrive.... :D
PoetaMisteriosa rated for Halloween Tag#1 on Oct 26, 2017
Comment: I loved your tag. thanks. Let's swap more often?
Response: Great! :D Thanks for your rating and the heart! Sure we can swap more often! :)
Smiley69 rated for KKL: Favorite Kitty Photo with note on Oct 24, 2017
Comment: Awww I loved learning about your beloved Miez. You will never stop missing her I'm afraid, but you were so fortunate to have shared her life - and here she is making my day! I love the postcards! Thank you so much :-)
Response: * sniff * Thanks a bunch! It was nice to write about her - I have so much wonderful memories about Miez. :) Thank you for your lovely comment. That means much to me! ❤
goinjenny rated for Halloween Greeting Card on Oct 24, 2017
Comment: Thank you
Response: You are welcom! :)
Comment: Ansome PLS!! I was member of pocketletterspals for a year and I think this is the most beautiful I ever got! Thanks for the goodies and I will certainly try the lemonade :)
Response: Awww.... Thanks for this great compliment!!! I`m glad you like my creation! :D Thank you for rating me with a ❤!
IrishPixie rated for Happy Washi Swap #2 on Oct 19, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful washi and the washi samples. The envelope you used and the Marie sticker are also soooo cute :)
Response: I am sorry the first mail didn`t make it. :( But thanks a lot for rating me with a heart! :)
IrishPixie rated for Halloween Pocket Letter Swap on Oct 19, 2017
Comment: Oh my gosh thank you sooooo much for the amazing pocket letter!! This is one of the best ones I have ever gotten you are soooo creative!!! I also love all the goodies too! I would give you more hearts if I could! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Response: I am so, SO happy to hear that - especially from you! I love your Pocket Letters and really hoped, you would like mine, too... :D Thank you so much for the rating and the lovely comment!!!
Comment: Thank you for the "It's Just Natural" postcard.
Response: You are welcome! :) Thanks for your rating with a heart!
Comment: Thank you for the cute postcards
Response: I`m glad you like them! :D Thanks a lot for your rating and the heart!
Fieke rated for Disney Pocket Letter Swap on Oct 10, 2017
Comment: Thank you very much for the beautiful Robin Hood pocket letter and the extra's. It was the first pocket letter I ever received :)
Response: I`m happy you liked your first PL! I loved making it (it was one of my favorite projects...)! Thanks for rating me with a heart!!!
Comment: Thanks for the funny card! I love how you used the black background!
Response: I`m glad you liked it! :D I was not sure if it would be inappropriate enough... Thanks so much for the rating!
Comment: Beautiful card arrived today, thank you so much!
Response: Thank you very much for your rating! I hope you will like the second one as well... :D
Amylord rated for Ghost Story Swap - International on Oct 4, 2017
Comment: Hi Romy, thanks for the haunting experiences. It's so scary! Your family never thought of moving?
Response: Thanks for the rating! No! They had their business in this house, so we had to stay there. And besides those "evil things" it was almost funny in some moments! For example when me and my parents were in the living room, eating or watching TV together and the door suddenly opened, one of us was saying in the door`s direction "You could even close the door when you are coming in!". This became a running gag in my family. :D
Fenix825 rated for WIYM: Halloween Address Labels on Oct 2, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the wonderful assortment of labels that you sent! They are so cute and I can't wait to use them. I hope you had fun with this swap!
Response: Oh yes! I loved this swap! I like to make address labels... :D Thanks so much for the rating and the heart!
PoetaMisteriosa rated for kitty cat Pocket Letter on Oct 2, 2017
Comment: I loved receiving your Pocket letter, very beautiful, just like the treats! It was nice to exchange with you. Let's change more often !!!
Response: For sure we will swap again! It was so much fun! :D Thanks for the heart!!!
kathiann rated for WIYM: Washi Scavenger Hunt (Int'l) on Sep 30, 2017
Comment: I think that if someone was to send me discworld washi I would probably die. The ones you picked to match my word were lovely. I think the jars (err, "containers") are one of my favorites now :) Thank you!
Response: Oh. I am glad I couldn`t find some Discworld washi, than! O_O :D Thank you so much for your rating and the heart!
LienL rated for Handmade Notecards on Sep 30, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the notecards! the envelopes are great, can't wait to make some of my own :D
Response: Thanks for your rating! I really hope you can use them... :D
WaywardDreamer3 rated for EH ~~ Time to Travel on Sep 26, 2017
Comment: I love these envelopes, very creative of you !! And the mailing envelope itself also! Thank you!
Response: Great you like them! I had so much fun making them and also searching for the right travel-papers. :D Thanks for your rating!
KatrienVD rated for Holiday Postcard Swap on Sep 26, 2017
Response: Thanks for the rating.
Airam rated for Embellishments Swap #1 on Sep 25, 2017
Comment: They are beautiful! I love it! Thank you!
Response: You are welcome! They traveled very quickly... Perhaps you can use the Christmas embellishments for some gifts or Christmas swaps. Thank you for your rating!
Airam rated for Flipbook Swap #1 on Sep 25, 2017
Comment: I loved it! I love the monsters! Thank you!
Response: Great you love the monsters! :D I had so much fun putting them in the monster-party flip book... I hope the velcro closing still works. It was the first time I gave it a try and I used my normal sewing stuff (not special ones for paper crafting). Thank you for the 5 and the heart!
Tessssssa rated for WIYM: PocketLetter - under the sea on Sep 20, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the cool pocket letter, I also like the German facts on the back. (I might steel this idea... :p )
Response: I get the best inspiration by the work of others... Feel free to use the idea - I hope I will get a PL from you, some day! :D Thanks for your rating!!!
shellyc rated for WIYM: Halloween Mini Flip-Book on Sep 13, 2017
Comment: I was really impressed by your flipbook... your first and it is so well made with the taping and sewing :D! I enjoyed flipping through it, looking at your collages and the goodies! Thank you so much for your lovely mail and sending great Halloween greetings my way!
Response: I had so much fun making this album (although I have not much halloween stuff). I am so happy, you like it! :) Thanks for your comment, the rating and the heart!!!
Tessssssa rated for Mini Butterfly Pocket Letter on Sep 11, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the schmetterlinge pocket letter. Our parade is every second Sunday in September, this year on the 10th. You really should come and see it some time! And while you are here you should go to De efteling as well! About a 40 minute drive from here.(I'm so sorry, I forgot to mark the 5... by the way, the parade was yesterday and we won 4th place)
Response: Congratulations!!! You had a lot to do with the arrangements of the parade. No worries about the rating. :)
dally rated for WIYM: Pocket Letter - woodland on Sep 6, 2017
Comment: What a gorgeous pocket letter Romy! I love the adorable animals you chose (the fox with glasses is SO cute!!!). It's a very lovely addition to my PL collection! Thank you as well for the wide variety of goodies, they are a welcome addition to my stash. I especially love the one syou handmade, they're awesome! I'm tickled you love Discworld too!! Death is one of my faves, along with Death of Rats, *SQUEAK* hehe. It's hard to pick just one favourite character though....Tiffany, Granny, Nanny, the Nac Mac Feegle...I have so many! :) I just finished reading the Shepherds Crown. It was so bittersweet to finish reading the series.
Response: Thank you so much for your comment! Sir Terry did an awesome job by creating great characters. Even the not so nice ones (like Vetinari) are real cool... :D
ginico rated for Senders choice pocket letter swap #2 on Sep 2, 2017
Comment: Thank you for a beautiful pocket letter and some lovely goodies
Response: I`m glad you liked it! Thank you for the rating and the heart!
sasaholic rated for Big Washi Swap - Int'l - #3 on Aug 27, 2017
Comment: thank you so much for the pretty pretty washiiiiii <3
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for rating me with a heart!
USAFwife rated for NH: Big Washi Swap - Int'l #2 on Aug 22, 2017
Comment: Thank you for all the cute tapes. :) Loved your envelope as well. :) Did you enjoy the book, as well?
Response: Thanks for the rating! :) Well... It was not really fun to read this book but not because it was bad written! After I finished it, I thought a lot about the whole story and every single event that was a nail in Hannah`s coffin. The most important question for me was, what would I do if I was in Mr. Porter`s stead. It was no light fare but I am happy to have read it! Thank you for this hint! :D
Comment: wunderbar, danke!
Response: Bitteschön! :) Danke für die Bewertung und das Herz!
clorinspats rated for Letters from Beyond on Aug 17, 2017
Comment: WOW what an experience you had!! Thank you for taking the time to tell me about it--it's amazing!!
Response: Thank you! I never wrote a longer letter...! :D But it was interesting to remember it.
Comment: Love it!
Response: Great! :D Thank you for the rating and the heart!!!
Comment: thank you for a very nice card, i might have something very similar in my collection from our country i will look it up and see , it would be very interesting to see one from Germany what you had sent me:)
Response: I loved this super kitschy postcard and I am happy it made it to you! Thank you for your nice comment and rating me with a heart!
Comment: Your chunk o cardboard is so gorgeous! I love all the pastel colors & the vintage B&W baker at the top. I can't eat macaroons because of almond flour but I love photographs of them - a perfectly lovely dessert! Merci Beaucoup!!
Response: I kept this cardboard back for a while because it looks so pretty. I am so happy that the card is after your fancy! :D Thank you so much for the comment, the rating and the heart!
petercure rated for WIYM: Nature Washi on Aug 10, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the lovely washi!(*^_^*)(*^_^*)
Response: You are welcome! :) Thank you for the rating and the heart!!!
kiwi2140nz rated for WIYM Christmas Washi Tape Swap on Aug 9, 2017
Comment: Thanks very much for the lovely tapes and washi sheets (I have never seen sheets before), and the cute postcard.
Response: I am so happy you like what I send to you! :) Tanks so much for the comment and rating me with a heart!
Doraecyscraps rated for WIYM: Nature Washi on Aug 8, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for the washis, I love them all and definitely will use them on my ATCs one day! 😊
Response: This was fast! :D I`m glad you like the tape - I will search for them on your instagram-account... XD Thank you for rating me with a heart!
Comment: Thanks for the beautifull postcard. I love these vintage style postcards :D
Response: You are welcome! :) I'm glad you like the postcard - love the vintage-style ones, too. Thank you for rating me with a heart!!!
agneslyra rated for Happy Letter and Surprise #2 on Aug 4, 2017
Comment: I must say, people like you are the whole reason I joined swapbot. What an amazing soul you are, thank you so much for the smile you put on my face with this swap! (you proved me right when I say everybody can draw, your drawing was so cute!). I will definitely write back soon. Thank you again!!
Response: Oh wow... Thank you so much for your motivating comment! This is the reason why I do swaps! Not the ratings and comments, but to bring a smile on someone`s face... :) I am surprised you like the drawing! XD The "fox" on the sketch should have been a cat.... I`m looking forward for a letter from you! And thanks again for this comment, the rating and the heart!
Comment: Hello Romy, Well I SO love what you have sent! Every single thing I don't have! Or have never seen before. I will have fun using all of it and thank you for your sweet note too! Have a wonderful day! Thanks again for an awesome swap! <3
Response: Yeah! I`m glad you received everything and you like it! :) Thank you so much for rating me with a heart!
smadronia rated for Inspirobot on Jul 31, 2017
Comment: "This is your life. Eat something." Perhaps the most perfect one I've seen, although your last one seems pretty good too. Thanks for joining!
Response: I loved the first one! It is so wise... :D Thank you for the rating and the heart!
Comment: Thank you so much for a wonderful package Romy, it was lovely, I was so excited opening everything! You did a beautiful job :)
Response: You are very welcome! And it was so much fun to make the for you...! :D Thank you so much for the rating with a heart!
Magenta3 rated for Self-made envelopes 📬 on Jul 29, 2017
Comment: Thanks so much, Romy. Your package brought joy to my day.♥️ The envies are wonderful and made with care. The presentation was special, too. (Thanks also for the profile related extras!) Magenta3
Response: Thank you for your nice comment and rating me with a heart!!! I am so glad you like what I made for you... :)
Steinway5 rated for Inspirobot on Jul 27, 2017
Comment: Good ones! I like the first one... Is that an excuse to eat junk food then? ;)
Response: Well... It said "something" so I would think junk food is something. And inspirobot is an intelligence. So... I think you are right! It IS an excuse! :D Thank you for the rating with a heart!
kathiann rated for Inspirobot on Jul 26, 2017
Comment: Hey, half of those actually make sense! That's better than what I've been getting :) Thanks for sharing!
Response: Thank your for the rating and the heart! I am curious what inspirobot has to tell you... :)
Wildchild rated for Inspirobot on Jul 25, 2017
Comment: Thank you!
Response: You are welcome! Thanks for the rating! :)
Comment: The envelope was so cute! Did you make it?
Response: Thanks for the rating and your comment! Yes, the envelope was selfmade. I´m glad you liked it... :)
Marryth rated for Woodland Critters PL on Jul 24, 2017
Comment: Romy, thank you so much for the fantastic pocket letter! I absolutely adore it, and the goodies you've included are perfect for me! ♥ I really, really appreciate you taking the time to trade with me. You've given me lots of ideas to play with in the future as well - plenty of inspiration for my new-to-pocket-letters self. (And please tell your little guy that the cat was a nice touch! ;) )
Response: I`m glad you liked it and it was some inspiration for you. At least this was the reason why I wanted to swap a PL with you - to give you an idea of what it could look like. :) I will tell my son that his kitty-idea was a good one! Thank you so much for your comment and the heart!!!
piratejimbob87 rated for NH: Questions & Answers on Jul 20, 2017
Comment: Hi Romy, thank you for your Q&A, loved reading your answers :) the postcards were lovely too, thank you! x
Response: Writing the answers was so much fun! Thank you for your nice comment and the heart!
galadkria rated for Summer Theme Pocket Letter on Jul 19, 2017
Comment: Omg such a beautiful pl... I have been really down all day and this has definitely cheers me up. THANK YOU SO MUCH . absolutely beautiful
Response: Aaaaaawwwwwww.... I am so happy that my PL arrived at the right time! That is so great. Thanks for your lovely comment! *hugs*
metammi123 rated for Pocket Letter "Animals" on Jul 18, 2017
Comment: WOW so beautiful, I love the exotic animals you chose for your pocket letter. The little extras are very awesome and the lesson on the back was PERFECT extra hearts deserved. We will definitely be adding the material square to our around the world Quilt (somehow) ... THANK YOU ++++
Response: Thanks for rating the PL with a heart! I was hoping you could use the facts on the back for your kids somehow... :D And I would love to see your Quilt when it is done!
ginico rated for Butterfly Pocket Letter on Jul 13, 2017
Comment: Thank you for my really pretty pocket letter and all the lovely goodies you tucked in. And I loved reading all the facts!
Response: Thank you so much for the comment and the heart! I`m glad you like the PL...
JoMama rated for NH: washi post card on Jul 10, 2017
Comment: I LOVED your postcard. Thanks so much!
Response: That makes me so happy! :D Thank you for your nice comment and the heart!
Suziex rated for Let's Get Organized! Email swap on Jul 9, 2017
Response: Thank you for the rating with a heart! :)
HappyMom rated for Let's Get Organized! Email swap on Jul 3, 2017
Comment: Wow - you really went through a lot and did a great job! Kudos to you!! You deserve some new tops :) Thank you for sharing the journey!
Response: Thank you so much! :D I am looking forward to the next great organizing-project! This one was overdue.... And thanks for the heart!!!
USAFwife rated for Newbie Friendly Postcards - Int'l on Jul 2, 2017
Comment: I love the cards you sent! :) And it's funny, the first time I signed up for one of these swaps, I thought "no problem" - but oh my good ness! haha :) And the mail handling managed to leave a deer imprint on the 'shine' card so perfectly I at first thought you made it that way! These are great. Thank you so much :)
Response: Ah! So this swap is some kind of newbie-trap! :D Looks super easy but if you try it... WOW! And the imprint shows me that I have to learn even more. I am ready for a next round. Soon. I think... :) Thank you so much for the amusing comment and the heart!
peipeicl rated for Let's Get Washi! 8 on Jun 29, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the cute tapes :) I really like them a lot! and the extra gifts are really cute. I especially like the donuts sticky notes!
Response: I`m glad you enjoy the sticky notes! Thank you for the rating and the heart! :)
Sissi rated for Let's Get Washi! 8 on Jun 21, 2017
Comment: Thank you very much for your nice variety of washg thank you for the extra stamps!. Alles Liebe für Dich!
Response: Thank you so much for your comment and the heart! Ich hätte gerne ein paar schöne Briefmarken auf den Umschlag geklebt, aber unsere Postfiliale hat schon Sommerurlaub... :)
BluGinhm rated for Share Some Photos! on Jun 14, 2017
Comment: Your photos are lovely! Emmy looks sweet - I have trouble getting photos of my cats' faces, both the cuddly cat and the two who are not. The roses and woods look beautiful, and the strawberries are awesome! The castle is neat - I haven't been in Germany since I was 8, but I remember my parents driving by at least a couple of great castles. Don't be embarrassed about your nice crafting area - it looks lived in! And I love the playground. Nice to combine it with an adult fit trail, so you can walk or run and still be close to your kids! Thanks so much for sharing!
Response: Thank you for your lovely comment and the heart!!!
scousesquirrel rated for Share Some Photos! on Jun 12, 2017
Comment: Thank you so much for your lovely photos xxx
Response: You`re welcome! Thanks for the heart!!!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 207 28 29
Completed Fives Threes Ones
181 219 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
8 44 129 0

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