Comment: Happy to change this rating, as she contacted me long ago, just before I had to step away from swapping for awhile...this was sent after the swap closed, but she is so conscientious and kind in her correspondence, I am happy to give her a very long awaited "5"! Be well, kind heart!
Comment: it is to bad that the owner doesn't hire on a angel to repenish the items that haven't been sent out. Makes a person not want to join a swap like this again after you spent money sending it out to someone else and you don't get nothing in return - I understand that Jenna has health issues but if you are a owner you should send out items that others can't.
Comment: deleted profile just AFTER the deadline - so she couldn't be banned. I guess I can only hope that it was discovered before anything was sent to her. *sigh*
Comment: Thank you for the very nice Easter card you made for this swap. It was nice to be in a larger group, I thought, because you received more varied art. I certainly did. I hope you have received my thank you note in the mail. If not, it should be there anytime. Barb
Comment: SHAME ON YOU!!! praying on peoples sympathy and screwing a bunch more in the name of a serious health problem. if it is so, then you should not be joining or hosting more swaps. you have over 7 no sends and yet you keep joing-hosting swaps. shame shame shame..I hope you are enjoying everyones cards you recieved from these swaps that you don't deserve.
Comment: Sorry! Well, I sent more and my partner gave me a 3 saying it didn`t catch the set 15 to 20 รยง value. Thanks for sending and for putting 8 real stamps on the envelope!
Comment: I got the cards, but they WERE NOT cemetery photos and were not on paper as specified. I think my partner went with the Madonna Child theme, but didn't read the entire description.