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Response: Excellent! That's the first book by her I read and I like it a great deal. Enjoy!
Response: ::laughs:: I figured it was a Christmas song in May, and that's a little strange, but I'm glad you liked it!
Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it so!
Response: I really am just a hopeless romantic. I really like "Nothing Else Matters", especially the version I sent, which is the one performed with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. Glad you enjoyed!
Response: Thanks! And thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! I enjoyed putting it together.
Response: YaY! I'm glad you liked it so! I enjoyed putting it together so much! It was a lot of fun!
Response: I'm glad that bunny was your favorite! I thought that one was just awesome! (And I got to dress her myself. =P)
Response: You're very welcome! I'm glad you liked it so!
Response: I hope you love it! I think you will! I have high hopes!
Response: I'm glad you liked it so! I say the glove and scarf set and just had to get it! Merry Christmas!
Response: I'm really glad you loved it so! I really enjoyed putting it together! Thank you for the heart! ::hugs::
Response: Thank you! Don't worry about it. I just wanted to make sure!
Response: Nope, I don't hace a very artsy blog. I reserve that for my Deviant Account mostly, and even then I don't put everything I do there either, though I'm doing better at that than usual lately. Thanks for the comments! <3
Response: YaY! Thank you for the heart. I'm glad you liked my art!
Response: She loves her ATC, yes! Thank you for the heart! I wouldn't have thought of sleeves either, but my step-mom mentioned something in which to protect them, and I have some since I used to play Magic: the Gathering.
Response: I'm really glad you liked it! This was my first ATC swap, so I couldn't hepl but be a little nervous! Thank you for the heart!
Response: Aww! Thank you for the heart! I'm really glad you liked it!